
I place more value on education and knowledge than my collegues; should I just grin and bear it?

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First off, let me point out that I am not an arrogant person. I merely value knowledge and wisdom above other qualities.

I have a menial job (whilst I wait to join the British Army) in an office, where it is usually quiet and so our group has the chance to sit around and talk.

My colleagues only ever have anything to say about drinking, reality television and celebrity gossip. This doesn't stimulate me at all; in fact, I feel almost uncomfortable as the subject matter does, in my opinion, epitomise exactly what is wrong with modern society.

I do not want to say anything to my workmates, as I realise that not everyone is the same and that variety is what makes the world an interesting place. Everybody is entitled to their own life, but I can feel myself becoming numbed by the low-brow conversation at my workplace.

What should I do? There's no point getting another job as I hopefully join up in about four months, but at the same time I really can't listen to the same inane garbage day in and day out!




  1. I would probably bring a book to read and ignore the others. I also value learning and thinking things out. Sad those what do nothing but give shippty opinions based on the depths of their ignorance. And no I am no snob meself.

    And good on going into Her Majesty's service. All services of the Free Western world need thinking people in armed service.  

  2. You are there to work, not to be entertained.

    Yes it's sad that people know more about Jerry Springer's show than they know about the candidates for the presidential election. But thats the way of the world. Stupid sells fast, just like s*x.

    Just ignore it. Don't feed into it.

  3. I would suggest that you  just "grin and bear it." I've heard that " 'It's easier for a wise men to act a fool but the fool cannot act a wise man".. ( as I'm sure you have).Perhaps that's all they're limited to. Why don't you try to initiate a topic without being to  "deep" and see what happens. I think you may be surprised a bit.I also suggest that you take part in the conversations. I have the same feelings about knowledge that you do and I have found sometimes that I am a "smart dummie" We are never so smart that we can never stop learning. Listen in, take part and save your knowledge for those who appreciate it.

  4. I love the Telly and Jade Goody

    I av been on Jelly Springer and av my eyebrows tattooed

  5. Welcome to my world though mine isn't quite that bad. I do work with some very smart and intelligent people. TG. There are some that do whatever they can to avoid thinking and problem solving. They drive me up a wall. I just don't participate in those conversations because I know almost nothing about it. I'm becoming hesitant to say anything contrary to what someone says even if I know different because sometimes I think people don't want to know the truth. It's different from me. If I'm wrong then I would love it if someone told me. Speak freely. You can't change people. They are who they are. You can try to bring up different topics and see what happens. Just listen. You don't have to contribute.  

  6. Don't conform to their ideas, I agree that knowledge is very important in life and commend your dedication that not enough people have now adays. People should learn to better themselves more rather than focusing on all the garbage that's on tv or what not. Some people find that kind of thing very interesting though, learn to block it out i guess, and maybe find something else full filling enough outside of work to help you cope with your job woes.

  7. Part of life is living and working with People who have different attitudes to things than you. I think you are in for a very severe shock when you join the army.  

  8. It's too bad that nowadays so many people pride themselves in being uneducated, unimaginative, and provincial. I myself am surrounded by people for whom the high point of each day is watching the same television shows day after day. I personally try to retire to a quiet place with a newspaper or book as much as possible.  

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