
I plan on goin to community college for 2 years then transfer, but what degree??

by  |  earlier

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Im 19 and i don kno what i wanna do yet.. or study.. believe me, i really dont know, but im going to get my general classes taken care of at the community college i want to go to, im hoping to have figured out what it is i want to do by then.. but what 2 year degree would be good if im still not sure what field i want to pursue a career in... after these 2 years.. i want to transfer to a 4 year college... any advice would be much appreciated, thank you




  1. If you don't know what degree you want , take general studies for 2 years ... look into anything you might be interested in ... don't worry about the 2 yr. degree if you are sure you are going to go to a 4 year college to finish up .

  2. Persue a degree in general Studies or Liberal Arts, but, if youn  are going to transfer, and you know that for cetrain, just take your core classes and wait to declare a major.

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