
I plan on going 2 Russia on a christian mission trip 4 teens, next summer does anyone know a good organization

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to work with orphans specifcallly!




  1. Why such a false sad image of Russia? lol.

  2. Our advice is to do a lot more research. Russia does not take kindly to foreigners telling them how to live their lives.

    There is also a good measure of lawlessness that will make you a target for small time authorities or small time crooks.

    Outside of the tourist areas of St. Petersburg and Moscow

    Russians do not speak English. Waving a western passport will get you into more trouble than you can believe.

    Also what you believe are "orphans" are not. It was widely accepted that women not married or without a flat of their own would give to the State a child to bring up if they felt they couldn't cope well. This avoided the need for abortions that are practiced in the West. So very many children in Russia are raised by professionals, and they are not Orphans as you would know it.

    Our sincere advice to you is think again!

  3. If you do go come to Tambov, my home city. (Im a missionary)


  4. Sorry I can't help you with that. Do some research. Have a fun trip.

  5. Unfortunately, I cannot answer your question in that I cannot suggest any particular mission (I would guess though that you can find some on line), but I want to comment on the Olga's answer above.

    The part of the Olga's answer above starting from "Also what you believe are "orphans"..." is a total BS.  You can disregard every word of it.  Many Russian orphaneges, particularly those located far from major cities, are in deplorable conditions and are in need of help.

    The first part of her answer is, however, correct.  Among other things you may encounter unfriendliness and misunderstanding of what you are doing, not to mention that the language barrier is going to be a major problem.  You will also see poverty.  This job that you are up to is not going to be an easy one, so you need to be really dedicated to what you are going to be doing.

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