
I plan on going on a foreign exchange trip to france, what about my schools credits?

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I was wondering how credits would transfer since I plan on coming back to my school in America for my senior year. I plan on traveling alone to meet the family and am doing this without the help of an agency because they are too expensive. Any other tips that might be helpfull?




  1. If you are a high school student and don't already speak fluent French it is not likely you will be able to make the grade in a French High school.

    Even if you do speak French, standards are vastly higher than in America and you will be stunned by what a European edcuation demands if you have only experienced American schools.

    Not only is the class work harder but the discipline in the classroom is much tougher. Bottom line is you probably will hate it.

  2. You should ask your guidance counselor at your high school about this.  Maybe you could look into an American school in France.  They might have an education that meets your needs better since you still are an American and might want to learn relevent subjects to help you in college.  You can still speak French, live with a French family and go sightseeing.  Again, your counselor probably can help.  You can also talk with other American students who have done exchange programs, even if they did it in other countries.  Or just stay in the US and go to France in the summer before college.

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