
I plan on going to Argentina next summer?

by Guest60373  |  earlier

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How much do you think it would cost me if I plan to stay a hostels, ski in Bariloche, go to Tierra del Fuego and all the other miscellaneous stuff?




  1. Hey I'm going too next summer!!

  2. It depends on how long you will go for and what luxuries you are accustomed to.  

    What have you got more of?  Time or Money?  Most people generally have one or the other, rarely both.

    I spent 3.5 months in 2006 skiing, between Argentina (mostly Bariloche), Chile (3 Valleys & Pucon), and 3 weeks in Brazil beach hopping.

    The two things that killed my budget the most were flights (obviously getting down there, but within Brazil & Argo you will pay about $100 for each one way, this adds up) and lift tickets.  I made a rule to only pay for lift tickets on epic days (although they are relatively cheap at $20-$30 a day, it adds up if you want to get 25-30 days in).  Season passes for gringos at Cerro Cathedral (Bariloche) go for over $1000US.  

    If you have backcountry equipment (skins, AT setup), you can literally skin up the resort trail with no problems, although the top lifts still have people checking tickets.  I did this on days when I was unable to score a discount lift ticket.

    Buses are cheap and very comfortable, but the distances between locales in Argo (and more so in Brazil) are very long, bank on 17hours from Buenos Aires to Bariloche, and much more to Ushuia or Tierra.  

    Hostels are cheap, generally $8 per night for dorms in a nice, clean, place (I recommend Periko´s in Bariloche).  

    Food is very cheap, and you can go grocery store style daily for next to nothing, or live high on the hog restaurant style with steak and red wine for $10-15US, depending.  I find it hard to resist going big when I know that the same meal in the States would cost 3 or 4 times more.

    The US dollar sucks right now, and is getting worse, but Argentina is still a great affordable place to go to.

    A true gem in Argentina skiing is La Hoya, a resort near the town of Esquel, about 3-4 hours south of Bariloche.  A true ski town, small but good, best terrain park in SA, etc.

  3. Hostels are probably around US$5 to 10. Outside Buenos Aires, I don't think there are a ton, but that has been changing since backpackers started to come to Argentina in 2002.  Before that time, there were not a lot of tourists, mostly people on business or older people & couples.

    Bariloche is not cheap for the lift ticket, probably US$250+ for a week during regular season.  Not that expensive, either.

    Buses are still very cheap, so if you have time, it will not be expensive to get to Ushuaia.  The train from Ushuaia to Tierra del Fuego is touristy, about an hour and costs probably US$25 to 30.

    You can always find cheap and good restaurants no matter where you are.  It is difficult to find a restaurant that doesn't have good food, at any price.

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