
I plan on going to college out of state?

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and im looking into going to west los angeles community college. most people will say "well if your going to go to communty college then just go to one in state" but my main reason for going out of state is because ive always wanted to move to los angeles and it seems like that would be the perfect oppurtunity.

my only problem is that for a california residen, it only costs $20 a unit but for a non-resident it costs $193 a unit.

i plan on movng there and getting an apartment, job, etc.

its much cheaper if i am a resident of that state. if i move there the summer before classes start will i be considered a resident of that state or are there any files or forms i have to fill out to become a citizen?

also just wondering, with room and board, if i have an apartment will i still have to pay that?

and the transportation fee, if i have a car will i still have to pay that?

i'll be a high school senior next year.




  1. No you still won't be considered a resident of CA.  Changing your residency is very difficult... and darn near impossible for anyone under 24 years old.  Not only do you have to live in the state of CA for a year or more (while not being in college) you also have to be financially self supporting and be classified as "independent" on your federal fin aid application.  (Something you can't do unless you are over 24 years old, married, and a couple of other things).

    Also, your residency won't change after you have been in CA a year or more while you are attending college.  Go in-state.

  2. Well, I don't understand why you like Los Angeles. From my opinion, it's not a good place to receive your higher education. Anyway, I'll answer your question. If you move the summer before classes, you will still be considered as an out of state non-resident. You have to live in California for at least 1 year. You don't have to pay your transportation fee nor your room/board if you have your own car and apartment.

    I hope that my answer will clarify some of your doubts.

    have a good day.

    P.S: I'll be a high school senior next year too! Class of 2009!

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