
I plan on joining the marines?

by  |  earlier

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but i heard they get the armys left over equipment and its way harder [dont care bout that] and the baracks suck and u dont shower 4 days [marines answer only plz] and guys and gurls are never in the same area wtf someone set me straight plz




  1. You should just get drunk and try to find a hot chick to get with instead. It is more satisfying and you don't have to kill anyone.

  2. lol they do have some crappy ****, but thats the beauty of the marines. THEY ADAPT!!! OORAH!! lol but seriously if that worries you join some other branch. my bf showers everyday, now idk about overseas and wat not, and if you have a family you dont live in the barracks, its like going to a older college, with all frat boys lol. girls dont stay in the same place but thats every branch, no preggo marines!!! its not so bad, it makes you stronger and want to succeed so you can get the better housing and pay and watnot. GOOD LUCK

  3. This is the marines not band camp

  4. they are a navy branch so no they dont get army anything they even have diferrant camis then the army, barraks are barraks a place to sleep  get married and you can live off base in boot camp you get cold showers when you are out in the feild you are in jungle mode they dont have showers in the woods do they or the dessert guys train differantly than females but the are around and some get to work together its definitly not an easy job but these few men do it and they are trained to do it best! just make sure you decide its something you want to do rather than a way out because the money isnt that great and its very time consuming! the few the proud the marines!! oorah  

  5. Do not join the millitary they only use you up to do a job then disgard you like a piece of garbage.Look at the Vietnam veterans living in poverty with mental illnesses caused by wars they can't even get decent health care for the country that they fought for.

    The millitary will promise everything to suck fools in to their trap then abandon them when you are no longer able to be used up.

  6. Well, you have a lot of questions don't you?  I am not a Marine, but the mother of one who is currently in Afghanistan.  I do not think they get the Army's old equipment, because they actually are a part of the Navy, and regardless, they are issued their own equipment.  It is true that they do some of their training on Army bases, because some of the disciplines are the same in all branches of the Service.  I don't know about the barracks, but I can tell you that currently my son and his unit are imbeded deep in the country, and do not have showers, food, phones, mail, or tents!  They are working where there are really primitive amenities.  They are only able to go to the "base" every 10 days, at which time they are able to shower, make phone calls, get mail, eat at the mess hall, and use the internet!  While they are out in the field they eat MRE's, sleep under a tarp, and give themselves spit baths!  But, they are working toward making the the Afghani Army a viable force.

    There are women in the Marines, and no, they do not train together, women train at Parris Island, men also train there, and in San Diego, but when they are out in the field, they are together!  There are 3 women in my son's unit, and they are doing everything the guys are.

    I think that if you are really serious about joining the Marines, you should go and talk to a recruiter, he/she will have the answers for you, and despite what you might think, they will not lie to you, nor will they make it sound better or worse than it really is.  

    Good luck to you, and thank you for your desire to serve our country.

  7. Dont do it . I enlisted last October and was there in San Diego it was not what they tell you. Recruiters jobs are to get you to enlist they get paid for every kid they enlist that is why they will be very nice and convincing. Join the Army or National Guard. And make sure you check out this website:

  8. The left over equipment thing is bull.  Basic training is definitely harder than any other branch, and conditions will be a bit harsher.  After basic, though, your quarters and equipment will be on the same level as the other branches.  Good luck, and don't listen to the idiots who are going to call you names for loving your country and wanting to serve.  Semper Fi.


  10. if you plan being on MARINEs then you must have a good reason for it...

    here's the question, do you really desire to join from the start??? do you have the reason enough to leave the life you have now???

    if bought yes, and if you really wanted to join, then join and accept what will come to you on THE CHOICE you made...

    d**n, your a guy, act like one...

    goodluck marine guy... who ahh

  11. army is better equipped,marines are better trained. marines are their own branch but they used to be with the navy. and NO!! recruiters do not get extra money for recruiting extra people!!! that's bs!!! but they do get a medal of recognition thats about it! just make sure you know that once ur in the marines ur in the business killing and getting killed

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