
I plan on tiling over new concrete with radiant heat. Is it necessary to run the system prior to installation

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I have a new home construction w/radiant heating system in basement/concrete floor. I plan to tile this area. I have heard that you should run the heating system a few days prior to the application of the tile to prep for expand/contraction within the concrete. The system is charged but has only been run a short time to check boiler piping for leaks. Is there a need to do this or can tiling begin ? I expect the concrete to get the normal small cracks due to settling, just trying to avoid unnecessary cracking to the tiles.

Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.




  1. to avoid cracking tiles allow the concrete to finish its settling process then carry on with your plan--providing you have no leaks in your system it will not be a problem

  2. You can go ahead.  Do minimal walking onto system prior to the hard protective covering.  Also, basement should not be below 60 degrees including throughout curing timeframe.  As for grouting, from experience - - go with a dark grout.  After several FULL days of drying, apply grout sealer.

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