
I plan to go to Cuzco in March for several weeks. What can I do to prevent or minimize altitude sickness?

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I plan to go to Cuzco in March for several weeks. What can I do to prevent or minimize altitude sickness?




  1. drink coca tea

  2. The previous posters are right to talk about the available altitude-sickness pills, but you should be aware that they only mask the symptoms - they do not help you to acclimatize more quickly so you should avoid taking them for anything other than a mild headache.

    by FAR the best thing to do to minimize the risk of altitude sickness is to climb slowly. If possible, try and visit somewhere like Arequipa (2,300m) or Ayacucho (2,800m) before heading on up to Cuzco (3,300m). This will give your body a chance to acclimatize gradually. If you are already booked to go to Cuzco then a good idea is to head straight to the Urubamba valley (Pisac, Ollantaytambio, Yucay, etc) as this is about 1000m lower than Cuzco and will give your body a nice easy introduction to the altitude - it's really beautiful as well!

    Once at altitude, you should take things easy for a few days, avoid any exertion, large meals, smoking, and alcohol, and generally drink as much fluid as possible. This is where the coca tea comes in but in all honesty, bottled water is probably as effective. Altitude sickness is still not well understood medically but drinking large amounts of fluid will stimulate the production of (I think) red blood cells, which means your body can distribute oxygen better.

    If you get a slight headache then take the pills but if you're not better after a day or so you should contact a doctor. However, if you take things easy you are unlikely to have any real problems.

    Have a great trip!


  3. You are wise to find out beforehand about this. This is very important!

    The local people advise you to drink Coca tea but let me explain from my experience with my fellow travellers.

    We arrived by plane from low-lying Lima to Puno (higher altitude). It would be the same if you arrive in Cusco from a town in a lower altitude.

    My companions all felt sick that night and the whole of the next day. They felt dizzy and queazy. We were given Coca tea upon our arrival by the hotel people but no effect to prevent Altitude sickness. I was not affected because I had got a prescription from my doctor for Altitude sickness medication. I was advised by the Pharmacist to start taking it on the day I left the USA. So, I had faithfully followed the advice and remained well.

    So, I strongly advise you to see your doctor and ask him/her to prescribe Altitude Sickness prevention medication.

  4. There is a very effective pill called xorochipill and you can find it in every drugstore in Peru, besides that in order to attack this lack of oxygen sickness naturally, you may have a good health condition (run a little bit before travelling because  you need oxygen) do not smoke at least one week before the flight and rest the first day you get to Cuzco. If you accomplish two of these conditions at least you wont have any problem in you magic visit to Cuzco. Enjoy Macchu Picchu!                               FIDEL

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