
I plan to retire and move to Mexico with in 5 years. I will be retairing younger than most. any advise?

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I will be living in Villigran close to Celaya. anyone know the area? perhapes you can give me some information?

I would love to adopt Not a baby but I could give a child a good education and hopefully a good life. my husband is Mexican, we can't have children this is why we would like to adopt.

also would you recomend taking a taxi from the airport in Leon to Celaya or renting a car? and last any recomendation on a hotel in Celaya?




  1. Guanajuato is one of the most tranquil places in Mexico, it has a lot to see and it is very friendly.

    Celaya is a beautiful small city, it is growing and there are many things to do there.

    As for the taxi from Leon to Celaya, that would be very expensive; you can take a bus (make sure it is Primera Plus) and you will be in Celaya in 1 hour 20 minutes. It is safe and the highway is very nice.

    Welcome to Mexico, if you need anything just mail me.

    By the way the 1st comment was way out of line. Don't bother.

  2. You should take a taxi from the airport to Celaya; there are many hotels in the area, (in León there is holiday inn, sheraton, real de minas, etc.). I guess your husband is from Villagrán. I'm mexican, we live close to León. Obviously the first guy that answered you didn't read that your husband is mexican. That area in Guanajuato is very modern and one of the richiest in Mexico, there you may find the same things that in USA (sam's, costco, mcdonalds, other restaurants, big malls, universities,movies, etc.). I think you will be fine here.

  3. Don't move to Mexico. Move to Canada. It's a bit colder but at least they have government standards for living. In Mexico, they don't test the water for impurities and you can get sick and die. Also, the poverty rate is incredible. If you are a White American that looks like he has as much as 5 dollars in his wallet, they will kill you for it on the police station lawn.

    They don't care about pollution. They don't know what color to paint thier house. All the music sounds the same. And you better speak spanish. You better know all the mexican slang and customs or they will kill you. Former president Vincente Fox did not care about the people of Mexico. The air stinks. Mexico has one of the highest crime rates in the world. Mexicans don't care about anybody but themselves. These people actually are ignorant enough to believe that the virgin guadalupe says that mexicans are god's chosen people and everyone else is going to h**l. Trust me, move to canada.

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