
I plan to spend 25 days in spain. any suggestions on the route, food and accomodation?

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I am not youngster on backpacker type, but still want a budget tour. I prefer to spend some time on historical sites, scenic spots, and probably some time at seaside.




  1. Sardinia?? spain??? i don't  know it.

    Balearic islands!!!! Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera.

    You will like it,

    And you will return

    Hasta la vista!

  2. You really need to do research on where exactly you want to go. Spain is full of historical cities and towns.  Obviously if you want the sea then you should stay within  easy reach of it, but you do need to pick an area and go from there.

    There will be plenty of places to stay at budget prices, though keep away from Spain during August  because it is traditionally their holiday period and they head for the coast to escape the heat inland.

    You will be able to find reasonable accommodation anywhere. I live in Spain and do travel within the country. I've never had a problem getting a bed for the night.

    Have a great trip. This is a wondrous country.

  3. kattiegirl Sardinia is not Spain!!!!! It's ITALY!!!

    Spain is beautiful, the coast (Costa Del sol) is full of tourist this time of year. you should see Barcelona, Granada Sevilla and Cordoba, Cadiz... all well known for its history. Madrid is also a must..although you should know Spain is very hot this time of year. And don't worry for food, anything from sea, they definitely know how to prepare it, when you are in Granada go out to bars at seven or eight for TAPAS...(you order Any drink and various dishes come along with it - IT IS NOT MENT TO FILL YOU UP, BUT YOU CAN TASTE VARIOUS TRADITIONAL DISHES). Spain is not in the top ten most expensive states in Europe.. Although Barcelona and Madrid might cost a bit more.

    Have a safe and fun trip.. i hope i helped!!!


  4. Ok ok ok, I live in españa, the best parties are in Ibiza (mayorca), the food is good in general, encotraras Spanish food (the best) and also snack food, the beach I recommend you andalucia (cadiz, Malaga , huelva), and historical sites: grenade (alhambra), a really nice city is Barcelona. It(she) is very modern and has many Gaudi's monuments, luck, españa is the best country..

  5. Depends where in Spain you are planning on going...we went to Sardinia for a weekend and it was really fun. We stayed at the Punta Negra isn't budget though...but we stayed there because the hotels book really fast. (If you plan on going to Spain...I would make hotel reservations as far in advance as possible!). The hotel was walking distance to a bus stop that we took to the city. In the city there were lots of little shops and a lot of Gelato!! Also, we rented bicycles and rode to the beach one day...the water was wonderful. There is a church that is really old there but not much historical I would only spend about 3 or 4 of your trip there if you decide to go. Also, there are a lot of REALLY good restaurants... Hope this helps!

  6. I just got back from a three week tour about a month ago. Take the route I took:

    Barcelona--Gothic quarter, the beach, La Rambla (a street where you can find street performers, vendors, cool restaurants). If you stay near La Rambla, you will be pretty central. Make sure you stay away from the Chinese Quarter at night.

    Zaragoza--It is right between Barcelona and Madrid. I didn’t stay there but I checked out the city center and bascillia de nuestra.

    Madrid--It’s a big city you will find lots to do. Franco’s tomb isn’t far from Madrid. You should definitely check it out. If you are into sports also see the Real Madrid stadium. They have a cool museum there that any sports fan would appreciate.

    Seville--Check out a flamenco show. If you are there on a Sunday see a bullfight. I believe Chris Columbus' tomb is in Seville. I was suffering from a massive hangover so I didn’t get to see it : (

    Gibraltar--A little taste of England in Spain. Go to the top of the "Rock" for an excellent view. Watch out for the monkeys, they will jump on your head. Do a little duty-free shopping.

    Granada--Check out Alhambra Palace.

    Ibiza--If you are in Spain during the summer you have to check out Ibiza. Take a ferry across the water. The nightlife there is awesome. Go to a club at 2am (I recommend Pacha); grab breakfast at 7 or 8am; hit a day club, then lounge on the beach; get an hour of sleep and repeat the process.

    Food was plentiful in all the places I went to. Sometimes you might run into a restaurant where the staff doesn’t speak English. Brush up on your espanol if you don't habla (The locals in small cities will give you a smile if you try).

    If you search any popular travel site (i.e. expedia, yahoo, hotels, etc.) you can find decent rates. If you really want to go the budget route try hostels. I stayed in one my first couple nights in Barcelona. I found that when I went extremely cheap on the hotel accommodations I made up the difference in transportation costs. However, a lot of cities I went to had decent public transportation (Barcelona had the best).

    A warning, the laundry situation sucks in Spain. I could not find a do-it-yourself laundria anywhere! Expect to pay the hotel wash your dirty knickers or wash them in the tub.

    Have fun in Spain!

  7. Madrid and Barcelona are good places to start.  They should be easy to get to flight-wise.

    Madrid has lots of lovely historical towns nearby to visit.  Barcelona the monastery at Montserrat, plus the Costa Brava.

    From Madrid you could catch a high-speed AVE train and soon be in Seville, where you can get a different taste of Spain.

    I think I'd start in Madrid and check out the English sections at (Spain's national coach service) and (Spain's rail network) to decide places to visit quickly and affordably.

    You might also like to check out for cheap accommodation.

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