See ask question -
...for more details.
I planned to give 4-weeks notice today. However, I just found out my manager will be working in another office the entire week. I wanted to hand my manager my resignation letter directly.
Though I could wait another week, and quit next Monday, I'd really rather get this over with. (1) It's troubling me that I'm aware that I'm going to quit, and have known for weeks, while the company continues making plans that (may) involve me in future development processes (I'm a web developer, btw). (2) Additionally, I'd like to begin wrapping up any outstanding projects. I really can't initiate steps to do this properly without giving notice. And using the entire 4 weeks would make this a lot easier.
My leave date is set, and will not change.
Aside from it possibly being in poor taste to quit by phone, my boss also happens to be in the office where her boss works. And his boss works. And the ceo works. It may put her in a poor light, which is not my intent.
There is no assistant manager. I'm the closest thing. I could ask HR what the proper protocol for this is, but I rather my boss were the first to know. (I did attempt to do this Friday, but she didn't appear in the office, so I figured the next opportunity would be today.)
I thinking that I'll have to, unfortunately, wait another week. But welcome comments suggesting otherwise.