
I planted corn on a container but they are not doing well?

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I planted corn on the roof in a container, red and yellow. They grew up to 5 feet, but now they look a little like they stopped, the yellow specially...Is it normal? I've got no flowers. I live in Allentown, when is the corn supposed to flower in this area? Thank you




  1. Unless you planted about 25 to 100 plants you will not get any corn.  Corn needs very good pollination for it to produce corn on the cobbs so a few plants will produce next to nothing.  They will produce corn cobbs but there will be no corn on them.  Sweet corn is usually about 5 foot high and has no flowers.  It has corn silk which catches the corn tassels as they send off the pollen.

  2. You can pollinate them yourself. Get a paper bag, put it over one tassle and shake to loosen pollen. Then sprinkle over each ear on each plant.

  3. Corn in a container on a roof is going to need daily water.

    Without see4ing your plants and set up, it's hard to say what happened with them.  Could be they're stunted from lack of water, could be they're short varieties.  Some of mine are tasseling now - but not all of them.  I've had some corn that matured at about 4 feet before.

  4. its also depend on your gardening zone. if you have given it all the nutrients then there should be no problem. l would wait just a little while and see

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