
I planted cucmber,watermelon, and cataloupe all in close proximity and I got got interesting results.

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So of my cucumbers came out round with a rine like my watermelon and the end looks similar to a club handle. Some are green others are yellow. Some came out normal appeance others have the lines of cucumbers but are yellow. Reading gardening and agricultural websites online it seems this isn't supposed to happen with watermelon, but I have pictures? Can anyone explain?




  1. The cucumbers didn't cross with your watermelons.  What you describe is pretty common with cucumbers.. with the fruit of the cucumber filling up on one side while the other end looks kind of hook shaped.  I've seen it all my life in fields where nothing but cukes were planted.  Yellow cukes this time of year are also nothing surprising.  In the early part of the year, they were a little more 'normal' I would suspect.  In what I have seen, lateness of the year causes this as well as those coming from vines at the edge of the garden which are not usually fertilized as well, or whose nutrients have washed away.

  2. Wow!  Vine City!  I can image how carefully you must walk through your patch 'o vines!  Your veggies and fruits are sounds like your soil isn't as rich as it should be, or perhaps you did not treat your babies to some plant food while they were growing...

  3. Dont take them to any uni or lab just do it again and start selling them try to grow the seed and see what you get with the amount of GM crud out there anything is now posable  

  4. Wow, that's really interesting.  I'm glad you have pictures.  Perhaps you could take them (the actual fruits) to a university science lab.  I am sure someone in agriculture studies would like to take a look at them.

  5. No. post the pictures.

  6. Wow, those are pretty cool!  I would have a tendency to think it has more to do with the nutrients in the soil.  But you may want to save the seeds from your favorites, keep a record for yourself and see if you can grow the same ones next season.    Also see if they taste any different.  Very interesting!

  7. WHAT DO THEY TASTE LIKE? Just curious!

  8. Yes they have not cross pollinated for this shows up in the next generation when you plant the seeds..You have planted so many items so close together that all require the same fertilizers and nutrients that they have literally robbed each other of much needed food and water..this causes deformities in the fruitts/veggies ad not very good quality..I grow alot of veggies close to each other but I also companion plant..and have raised beds so i can control it  more what and when I feed what..heres some pictures..

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