
I play an instrument that requires siitting a long time. i need help getting back to my feet what's wrong.

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i get tired easily when i jog and i need a lot of help is there any way to train myself to become better and running and jogging?




  1. It just takes time and determination.  If you got it, you can do it.

    Trust me.

    Just last year, jogging half a mile (800m) seemed tiring.  Now (a freshman in hs), I race 800m, 1600m, 3200m, and 5000m.

    I joined the xc team which made me run everyday and so glad I joined.   Then I ran winter track and spring.

    Just run a couple days a week then start moving to everyday.  It takes a while to get fit.  Just don't give up.  If you do, you'll never reach your potential.  Start out with about a mile. (or more if you can)  Once you can do that without walking, add a little bit each time.  Soon your mileage will be up there.

    Getting better at running = running more.

    I play instruments too. :)  

    I used to play piano and violin but I quit piano.

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