
I play chess and poker-but i laugh to hear poker compared to chess! chess is 100% skill-agree?

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people study chess years and cant compete at high levels-any s*****k can learn to play poker in a week,and if your luck holds you will beat "the best"players easily




  1. I play both games too.

    While chess are, WITHOUT A DOUBT, more of a "pure" game than poker...

    It is ridiculous to say that poker is 50% skill and 50% luck.

    In ONE game, poker is like 80% skill 20% luck.

    Over the long run ( 10, 20, 100 games ) poker is 99.99% skill 0.01% luck.

    Everyone always end up getting similar hands... the winner is the one who play them the best.

  2. I agree completely!!  There can be some luck to chess if you are a beginner playing against a beginner (or a computer at beginner level) but it truly is all about skill!!  Poker has a lot of luck and a little bit of skill.  There really is no comparison!!

  3. No, there's actually quite a bit of luck involved in chess.  A lot of skill--but luck as well (same as poker).  And the fact that you can bluff in poker takes it well beyond merely being the "luck of the draw."  Granted, there probably is in some objective sense more skill in chess than in poker--but I wouldn't draw the line nearly so completely as you seem to be doing.  And the skill of "reading the opponent" is a quite significant part of chess too--as well as poker.

  4. Yeah, although poker does rely on some's mainly luck.

    Chess is definitly 100% skill, well said.  The only element of luck in chess is if your opponent is a really bad player - basically that's due to skill too.  Chess is also proven to be very good for your brain, and playing chess once a week can keep you thinking straight for many many years.

    Poker just makes you poor.

  5. THe only way chess is luck is if you just randomly move pieces at a Drop of the hat for no reason, perhaps if you were a monkey.  Basically it's impossible for chess to be luck, because you put thought into what you are doing, whether or not it sucks.

    And poker please. that is all luck. all you have to do is throw on some glasses and keep a stone face. the Bluff is the ONLY Aspect of poker that can be considered skill. and ANYBODY can bluff. therefore it's 100% luck once you've mastered the straight face bs. so get out of here that is ridiculous.

  6. The only skill involved in poker is bluffing. This is your ability to put on a poker face, and your ability to pretend that you do/don't have good cards. However, chess is 100% skill. It involves tactics and strategy, which is why the only way poker can be compared to chess is if you are saying that chess is a much better game.

  7. Yes there is no similitud in that games, the chess is pure skill end the cards is 50% skill and 50% luck

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