
I play football, yes tackle, on a boys team. Im 16 . is that weird?

by  |  earlier

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I play defensive end. i have a lot of guy friends and i always know whats going on with sports. When i tell people that I play they freak out and tell me that I look like the farthest thing from someone who would play football. I met my boyfriend playing football. I actually played against him lol. Heres a pic of me. tell me if its weird. I am also going into police tech.




  1. No! that is unless you aren't good at foot ball

  2. Go for it if you like the game why not play it just because you are a girl plus looks like you have made lots of friends playing the game so i say  GO FOR IT

  3. You "GO GIRL " !!!

  4. no that "aint" if you feel like playing with guys in football but if you get hurt you shuld not blame the other guy for that

  5. No, women play all kinda sports men can play ????

  6. i dont think its wierd. im a girl and i used to play footy with boys as well. its fun aye? playing in an all girls team is kinda boring sometimes though coz some girls are fussy with things. i think its totally awesome that you play. wow, another girl who loves sport. never thought id hear from one.

  7. Its good boys need the competiton keep playing

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