
I play football and have bad leg cramps , what should i do?

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I work out so hard that my legs wabble when i walk and get really sore when i wake up in the morning




  1. drink plenty of water or gatoraid all throughout the day before practice and especially game day. Cramps are a sign of dehydration and could become dangerous if you are not careful.

  2. Dude I've had that so many time during football. The best thing to do is rest when you have the time, get lost of protein and vitamins into your body, and drink lots of water. I mean guzzle it every second you have. Cramps go away and you have more energy during practice.

  3. i'm a runner and when i get leg cramps its usually because my potassium levels are low.  start eating more bananas or start drinking orange juice or coconut water. your cramps should be better in no time

  4. Good advice so far regarding bananas for potassium, and plenty of water.  Gatorade or other sport drinks are ok in limited amounts, but water should be your primary source of hydration.  

    Also, make sure you stretch properly before and AFTER your workouts.  Then incorporate a stretching routine in the morning again to help with the stiffness.  It only gets tougher as you get older so make it a habit!  Let us know how it goes....

  5. Pickle juice is a tried and true method that has been used by many football players for decades.   I work outdoors in the south and during the summer I take potassium pills....available at most grocery stores and pharmacies.  it also reduces my muscle soreness through my entire body.   A doctor could also give you a prescription for "salt Tablets".  they will have plenty of minerals that prevent cramps...but you have to be careful taking them.   There are also some electrolyte drinks(like gatorade and powerade) that have more electrolytes than powerade and gatorade.

  6. yeah, eat potassium from bananas, and i dont know if it works or not, but our coaches used to make us drink pickle juice before games to help with cramps. oh and drink water NOT gatorade. gatorade replenishes what your body loses during activity, but too much before activity is actually bad for you.

  7. sit in a ice tub after practice

  8. see a doctor

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