
I play football and team showers are comeing up? what to do?

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ok 14 and i play freshamn football going into high school...we are going to have to start takeing team showers because the school is concered about hygenial issues...i am a straight male...i have a really sexi girlfriend and all that....but im worried that i might get a ***** in the middle of the shower and be totaly not worried about size cause im 6 1/2 erect which is above average...i beleive average is 5-6 inches but anyway...what can i do stop myself from getting a *****...especially if i feel one comeing on?





  1. well i would say not to worry about it if your straight... but if this has happened before then i would suggest just to have  a towel around your waist and tell all your frends that your just going to get your head,shoulders and torso wet.

  2. Quit worrying about it, if you feel a problem, ahem, arising, cut the shower short and grab a towel

  3. You should NEVER get an erection in a room full of naked men. ever. EVER. It's not even an issue.

  4. ull be fine if anthing they shouldnt be looking at u  

  5. bring a spare change of boxers and shower in the pair you were wearing. after the shower change you boxers

  6. Honest to God.. Just think of the ugliest guy in the world and concentrate on that.. eg.. Buddy Hacket.. this should help you...Ps. I agree, you should never get a ------ in a shower full of guys..

  7. And why exactly would you get a hard on in a shower full of other naked guys?

  8. Well, if you get a you know what then don't worry...and if another guy stares at you be like, "Dude, are you g*y or sumthing...stop staring at my magic stick!".

  9. if the bleeped out word is ***** then don't worry. Last I checked we only get boners when were turned on and if ur strait, other guys shouldn't be turning you on. You'll be fine

  10. What you do if you feel like you're getting turned on is you say the pledge of allegiance really fast, lol. I learned it in Bubble Boy. But don't worry, most likely it won't happen. You're probably going to be showering in the Phys Ed locker room which probably has shower columns.

  11. just stay in the corner

  12. Why in the h**l would you get a hard-on in the shower?  I played football in high school and im in the Army. Never once did i get the urge to pitch a tent during one of my showers. Im sure if you wear yourself out and get a good practice in like you are supposed to you will be too tired to have that issue.

  13. take a REALLY fast shower. and face the wall. trust me, i've heard shower stories and no one's really comparing. everyone just takes the shower and it's no big deal.

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