
I play soccer.. and I need help..?

by  |  earlier

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this is my first year playing and I need some helpful tips that can help me be a BETTER defender..




  1. well you can take two different tactics...the job of the defender is to get the ball away from the goal so you can kick it up or boot it as far up as possible (hopefully to a teammate), do fakes, or kick it to someone farther up adn they wil dribble it

  2. key thing in defense, and i've struggled with this myself sometimes, is to keep the ball in front of you. i don't know how to really explain this but i'll try. if someone has the ball they can't kick it through you so just stay in front of them and make them pass it. other than that just listen to ur center defender and goalkeeper and do what they tell you to. i'm a mid by the way.

  3. -gain more physical strength

    -understand how teams attack

    -be a bit fearless when going for balls

    -understand your exact role in the team

  4. just keep your eyes on the ball not the persons feet.  contain them. always clear the ball when u can.  if you cant clear the ball far clear it towards the outside.  only slide tackle when you need to.  dont be afraid to draw a foul if its outside the box go for the tackle.  make sure you get ball. dont do anything reckless inside the box that would result in a pk.  just focus and dont let people get all fancy on you.  wait till the attacker has little control on the ball and make the tackle.  never let your mark get open.  have fun.

  5. you should gain upper body strength. it is important to force the other team away from your goal. try and make them go towards the side of the field, opposed to down the center. always keep our eyes on the ball. don't look at the player or their feet. they can fake you out with their eyes, feet, and body. NEVER jump or turn your back to the ball. don't stand straight in frontt of the player with the ball. stand a little sideways, and keep your legs closed. don't let the other player pass the ball between your legs. and for more help, watch pro games and watch how their defenders do it.

  6. well what defender do u play stopper, leftback, rightback, sweeper?? but i also play a little defense also and the thing is to never jump in never ever, cuz u r the last line of defense b4 the goalie, its very difficult and u get blamed alot so be prepared, but also close them down inside out not outside in meaning play them so they're going towards the outside of the field and away from ur goal instead of inside and towards ur goal

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