
I play vball on the 8th grade girls team and we are versing the boys team. And we bet that we would win.?

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If we win the boys have to play another game verse us while wearing our uniforms and spandex.

if they win nothing happens.

This is kinda a school tradition. the teachers and coaches go along with it.

the boys usually win.

how can we win this year?




  1. doubt it.  but good luck. haha.  were in the same situation. we gotta play the boys too.

    but also the boys and girls teams get together and play the teachers. its awesome. =]

  2. Typically, young boys teams are very physical.  They hit and block well.  They do not pass as well as the girls teams.  Find out which players do not pass well and serve to them.  Every ball.  If they do not pass well, they do not get to set well and they do not hit well.  You should get free balls to pass and hit.  Cover your hitters.  You will see blockers reach farther than you are used to seeing.  

    (Please note, I said typically.  You can not stereotype all teams and all players.  I always get in trouble with someone when I post answers like this.  The boys team in your school may be "all world" passers.)  

    Good luck.

  3. I agree with the serving the weakest passer.  Its smart and can get some momentum.  Also, don't play the "boys" game.  Girls and boys tend...tend... to play different styles.  Don't try to out muscle them, out think them.  Find the holes in the defense and when you see a block, find the edges because the blocks in 8th grade are just waiting to be used for a free point.

  4. we did that this year but without the same consequences. just for glory. and bragging rights

  5. generally guys are in better shape than girls, so it might be a little difficult but you winning is a definite possibility.

    in my opinion, defense is more important than offense, so practice digging a lot. serving is also important. if you can, direct your serves to the weakest passer on the guys' team.

    play smart! the guys that i have played with always find the hole on the floor and send the ball there. they tipped the ball a lot too.

    watch out for when they block your hits. guys jump higher than girls and can easily send the ball back hard.

    good luck! [:

  6. Est atePl

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  7. if u whant to beat the boys this year then before u verse them practice alot so when you verse them it would be like a regular practice except the real thing

  8. do you have a ref? if not then the boys usually play without following the rules. Maybe get the gym teahcers or your coach to ref and line judge! Then lets see who wins! PLus you probubly have more experience! Dont be afraid to dive for a ball or spike it in the boys faces! We've got to show those boys volleyball is a serious sport! most guys at my school don't get how hard volleyball is and i hate it! Maybe they should come to our practices and games more often! anyway i hope these tips will help you beat those stupid boys!

  9. instead of trying to beat them with muscle beat them with brains. be smart about what your doing. I would suggest to TIP alot instead of hitting hard at them tio the ball because it is alot harder for them to recover a tip than it is to dig. so work on tipping! And pracitce all of your weaknesses put your worst passers in serving or something that they are better at. just like your hitters, if their not good passers or servers then dont put them in for serving take them out and let someone who is better at serving serve! and if they arent good at passing take them out and replace them with the libero.                  good Luck!!!! :)

  10. Also watch the out of bounds lines...they may serve too deep (using their oh-so-strong muscles) and hit out of bounds...

  11. I agree with serving the weakest passers, but I would also play the finness game - do a lot of dumping and stuff as opposed to trying to out power them with the hitting.  They are going to throw up big blocks - so tip it right over the block.  And throw up a block every chance you get - even if it is just throwing your hands up and touching the ball.  They are going to be thinking about you, and you will get into their heads, which is half the battle.  And at times, you will actually block them, which will not sit well with them.

    Play smart.  The game isn't won by how hard and fast the ball hits the floor - it is won by the team with the most points.  Play the smart game and find the open spots.

    Good luck!!!

  12. Yow, just believe in ya self.

  13. At my school the girls ALWAYS win the football players.... they haven't lost in like 25 yrs. lol I would just use balls hit pretty high to the back row because guys CAN'T set very well at all. play as hard as u can. boys what team? volleyball. u have a boys volleyball team?? oh then yo'll probably lose no offense unless u guys step it up like to the extreme

  14. Boy's don't usually see cut shots although they usually can block really well, look for the angles. The also like to hit hard although this might look intimidating they are the easiest ball to dig because they go straight up, don't swing, because it will go out.  Guys don't pass as good as girls so it you hit hard and smart you have a better chance in getting it in.

    When you are in a position were you can't hit like that TIP!!!!!!!!! Tip in spot were the can't dive for it and tip smart aim  for people who you know can't pass at all, same for serving and when serving serve tough but IN.

    I hope you win you game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. guy's don't like to be blocked so block them!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Lots of good advice above about passing well and serving their weak players.  Also - Good ball control.  You don't have to hit every ball.  Practice dinking or setting a bad pass over  short and to the deep corners.

    How badly do you want to win?  We play some high school/college kids in pickup and they are not strong mentally.  Although not good sportsmanship there are some things that you (or friends in the stands) can do.  If they have someone who is jump-serving and gets a couple in - yell over for him to watch his feet he almost foot-faulted.  Most likely the next serve will miss because you broke his rhythm and concentration.  Same thing for float servers - tell them not to serve it into the net or too long and they over-think it.  When you serve - you call let their passer know that you are going to serve it to him.  Again, it gets in his head and they overthink it.  Same thing with the setter - some advice about not putting too much spin on the ball or setting too close to the net can help.  Just do it in a nice/funny way - you are just helping them out since they go to the same school...

  16. Maybe poison them all?  They might not play... Forfeit?

  17. practice on ur weaknessess.

  18. it wont happen

  19. Be Agressive! Thats the key to volleyball overall. Also, you need to hit hard serves and kill spikes. These things really get points going!

    I bet the boys are tough, but really, who says boys are better/ So show them up, be agressive, and play hard. Spikes matter most. Killer serves.

  20. omg that is too kewl!!! you have a boys volleyball team!!

  21. that would be sooo funny to see guys in spandex...we played the guys at my school last year just for fun.....i noticed that they spike the ball every chance they got. i would suggest not to pass to the front row. serve the ball deep. also i would try to pass the ball over as much as possible. if you hit the ball they will most likely block it. also the tend to serve the ball way harder than they need to. watch your out of bounds lines the guys will proably try to show off with how hard and far they can serve the ball. if you're carefull you could get a lot of points like that. i hoped i helped!!!

  22. 1. Their serving will probably be hard but inconsistant, so recognize when their serves are going out and let them go.

    2. On very hard serves, just try to get them up instead of trying to perfect pass them (sacrifice some accuracy to get aced less).

    3. Serve their worst passer all day.

    4. Tip holes (their tip coverage is probably bad) hide your tips though

    I doubt that you'll win but if you do, don't be mean about it because the loss will be embarrassing enough for them by itself.

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