
I play volleyball, but im having problems with my new coach!?

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Its just that, well. she just got out of college and shes good, but shes like mean to me. I joke around adn then another girl will, and ill get in trouble? i mean i love the sport, but the coach is making it less appealing. what should i do???




  1. DO NOT TELL YOUR PARENTS, whoever said that is so far off its should be embarassing.  Show some backbone and maturity, don't just run to mommy to sort out your problems.  I'll tell you as a coach if a player whines to their parents about everything I find little hope that they can be a leader on the court.  If perchance, your coach is harassing you and not just riding you because you goof off then it is the time to talk to someone because she needs to be fired.  Regardless, your coach, you, and your teammates have devoted their time to be at practice everyday (or however often you practice) and to be there for volleyball.  I'm not going to lecture and say its all hard work and no fun because that defeats the purpose of sports, it is fun; just a different kind of fun.  Work hard so you are successful and celebrate every good thing your team does, not only will this give your team confidence, and drain the other team's morale, I guarantee that all of you, including coach, will be smiling during every cheer.

  2. shes picking on you because you are probably one of the better ones and she wants to c how well you can perform under pressure and how devoted you are and how much you want that position i had to deal with the same thin so just keep up the passion and hard work and she will end up playing you more in the games good luck!!!

  3. basically, you've got to suck up..

    don't goof around so much

  4. well talk to her tell her she is being mean...and tell ur parents...thats if ur under 18.

  5. Less Joke,More serious your pritice!

    I also love this sports,so pls be serious with your New coach.

    You are 1 team.OK?

    Maybe after finish the coach,Play some fun joke is ok!

    Good luck

  6. well dont just quit show her off and come to the next parctice be really really good but still have fun!!

  7. I had this very same coach was 22. I quit that;s how i solved my problem but u shouldn't do that u she simply try to joke around less, or maybe not at all. then the coach might get annoyed at the other girl. but juss keep playin do your best and maybe the coach will appreciate you more cuz ur one of the best players on the team.

  8. just focus on your training and s***w her!

  9. It really isn't the coaches job to make the sport fun.  That's your job.  Stop messing around in practice and focus on what you need to be doing.  I will promise that any coach isn't going to be happy with you if you joke around when you're supposed to be doing something.  You're lucky you're not having to run suicides, pickles, stairs, or doing wall sits.  Buckle down and you'll be surprised how much friendlier ANY coach can be.

  10. Your new coach probably takes pride in her new team and she wants her team to excel. There is a time to be relaxed and a time to be serious, I would be more serious around her show her your motivation and take the upper hand and form to her ways because they are the only things that matter. She also might hold you at a higher position than other girls on your team so your attitude should reflect that.

  11. Try less joking around while dealing with your new coach. Get a sense for what she wants from you in practice and try that route. You may learn something new that makes volleyball even more enjoyable long-term.  

    Most of the time, it works out and you learn a lot from the experience.

    If it still isn't fun, then start looking for a new team.

  12. These are situations that every sports player comes accross. Ok well you kind of just have to deal with the coach but you did say that you joke around and then well i've got to tell you to stop doing that....coaches don't like it at all when people joke around when they're trying to teach you how to play. Just remember that she doesn't have to be your coach and she chose to give up her time to coach you and if your goofing off then shes not going to like try not to goof around and work hard and maybe the relationship between u and your coach will become better. O and don't let the coach make the sport less appealing...if it's really that bad just ride out the season and play for a different coach next season.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!

  13. This might sound harsh but you just have tio deal with her.  Don't joke around if that's what's getting you in trouble.  She is most likely dead serious about the sport so do what she says and no questions asked unless yuor having difficulty.  Make yourself the most coachable player and suddenly 3you might just find your coach has your best interests at heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I had this exact dillema last year. I was a sophomore at my high school and I couldn't take my coach because, yeah he was a star alumni player from my school, but he was making us do drills (especially me being a middle back/setter) that even when he tried to show us, he couldn't do it himself. I, however, made a bad decision and quit the team. I love volleyball but the coaching wasn't just working for me.

    However, in light of my learning on how horrible of a mistake I made, I want to tell you that you just got to stick it through and not think about the coach at all. I mean, sure it just makes you want to quit or makes the fun of it at practice and whatnot go away, but just think of it as doing it for the love of the sport, not the coach. Hope this helps

  15. How bout not pussyfooting around and practicing at practice. Maybe thats why she doesnt like you

  16. ya i agree with the guy above

  17. Just ingnore it if you can. shes new at this so give her a chance and maybe she will calm down a little bit. she might learn that she needs to understand that sometimes if you are told just have fun, you can win. she might cool down a little bit in the future, but if you really cant stand her then find a different coach at another school, and go there for practices and competitions. so you can take my advice if you want to.

  18. Dont joke with her, abviously she is a stick in the mud. Just go hard on your game and also try your best, don't let her step all over you show her you have boundry lines. And if you love the game as much as you say you do you can take the little put down you get, remember its the players who get the win not the coach.

    P.S. if still she doesnt get over it then just figure she never will and don't worry about it.

    Good luck, Hope my advice helps you.

  19. Better take in your practice seriously.

    Some coaches prefer it that you don't fool around.

    Just be totally cool and don't mind her aggresive/mean attitude.

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