
I play volleyball and I need help to do a serve.?

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How do I put more power in my overhand serves? How can I do that with out it going out of the playing area? Thanks for helping.




  1. Well you could lift a few weights to build up the back of your bicep muscle. To Have a more effiecient and harder serve. And you need to practice more. BUt one of my coaches told me never touch the ball with your fingers as you hit it should be just your palm's bottom/palm.

  2. If your right handed, stand with your left foot out in front of u and ur right foot back. toss ur ball within the inside of ur left foot but not outside ur body. Ur bodyweight shuld be back Keep ur armswing high and ur body weight shlud be foward when u swing ! good luck its kinda hard to explain

  3. to put more power into your over hand serves maybe close your fist or start doing pushups to get your arm stronger. Whan you want tokeep the ball in bounds make sure when you hit the ball, you dont cross your body

  4. when i first started volleyball i didn't serve that well.

    but if you get it over the net thats good.

    what u do is throw it and hit it a little higher.

    practice throwing it and catching it in the air, but have your arm streight up and make the ball go in front of the tip of your finger.

    or my coach had me stand under a basketball hoop and make it touch the net of the basket.

    hope i can help!

  5. Try the normal serve, and don't hit it with your palm.  Instead hit it with your wrist, right there, really close to the palm.  I always out serve the other team, it doesn't go out of bounds, but it still knocks 'em dead!

  6. biuld up ur arm strengh, make sure you follow throgh with you arm toward your target, it will go where your arm goes, follow through, and keep working on tehm!

  7. Well, my coach suggested taking it easy and slowly. Concentration is key. Once the ball is a bit higher than your arm outstreched, begin your way upwards. Imagine you are mad at someone and hit that ball hard! Ony don't hit it facing the floor, make it go high up with an angle so that the opponents cannot dig it up.

  8. just fallow through and take a "big, powerful" step

  9. The best thing to have more power when serving the ball is do more push ups. You might not like to do it, so did I but now my servers have much more power. Because u strengthen your muscles in your shoulder to hit the ball harder.

    I play volleyball and its what my coach told me to do.

    Hope this helps.

  10. Try to keep your arm straight and not to twist it too much. Don't throw the ball up really high, either. I like to use my hips to really give me power. Also, bend your knees when you serve to give yourself added power.

  11. You can try giving the ball a slight kick with your wrist as your hitting it. For me, this made my serve drop faster. And I'd alternate with a serve with no wrist which would float more. Not necessary very powerful, but hard to handle.

  12. Step back about 10 feet behind the service line.  You can hit the ball harder and the extra distance will allow the ball to be descending by the time it crosses the net helping it stay within play.

  13. All you have to do is kinda act like your going to slap the ball and move your arm fast and you should get some power. Dont throw the ball that high either.

  14. To do a proper volleyball serve, you throw the ball directly above your outstretched hand, your hitting hand is the one out there. Don't make it too high, or too low, everybody has a different height they serve at. Do what you are comfortable with. When you thow it up, bring your serve hand up behind your head, with your palm towards the net. Relax your hand in midair. Do not be tense, otherwise you'll s***w up. I have done this many times. You want to hit the ball with the bottom of your palm, and in the middle of it, for the a nice smash and a straight hit. If you don not know where I am talking about, feel your palm for the bone. That is the bull's eye for the strength. Not totally your own. When you prepare for the serve, get ready by bouncing the ball on the floor a few times and hitting it back with your palm, so you get used to it. This is a pretty darn good way.

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