
I play volleyball and i havnt made teams cause of my weight i have a tryout in 15 days how can i lose it fast?

by Guest33926  |  earlier

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I play volleyball and i havnt made teams cause of my weight i have a tryout in 15 days how can i lose it fast?




  1. If you got cut from a team due to your weight, that is ridiculous and unfair. Volleyball is a game of skill not how skinny the players are. Heavy girls can play just as well as thin girls. Perhaps your weight effects how you play and that's why you got cut. You can't lose a ton of weight in 15 days but here is what I suggest you do besides specific volleyball training.

    CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! This is what burns fat. Also lift weights, the more muscle you have the more fat you burn when you're just sitting around. Run, use the elliptical machine, or run stairs. Swim laps and use weight machines or free weights.

  2. i would say that your best bet is to change your eating habits and exercise everyday. Eat healthy foods like fruits and veggies and try not to drink or eat anything that is high in sugar and calories.

    As for exercise, do cardio (such as running or riding a bike) between 45 min to an hour each day. Every other day work on a different muscle system, for example, Sunday work on your biceps and triceps, and Tuesday work on shoulders and forearms, so on and so forth. Also, its good to do sit ups and push ups everyday.

    Its going to be tough to get motivated, so maybe get someone to work out with you or get a set time to do your work out everyday so that you get into a routine. I hope this helps! Dont forget to wok on your volleyball skills every day too!

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