
I play vollyball and when i bump, the ball sometimes goes behind me know how to help?

by Guest56203  |  earlier

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I know i have to be low and keep my arms straight...anymore tips or advice?




  1. just make sure your feet are shoulder length apart, and DO NOT SWING AT THE BALL WITH YOUR ARMS! that may be your problem, but you need to bend your knees, and bring them up as you are hitting the ball(this does most of the work) you dont need to swing or move your arms much!

    ope this helped<3

  2. use your knees not your arms to dig a ball

    (hope this helps)

  3. you need to get down lower.. and when u hit the ball .. kinda tilt ur arms forward at a sorta angle and push forward.. that should help a bunch .. !!

    good luck

  4. Don't swing your arms when you hit the ball.

    You are getting set to pass, and then when the ball gets to your arms, you are swinging to get it to go.  This causes you to contact the ball at an odd angle, and will cause the ball to go backwards instead of forwards.

    Your passing form should be bending your legs, arms kept straight and flat arms, and SHRUG your shoulders to "push" the ball.  And face your target with square shoulders.  Swinging your arms will make all of your work on proper form be for nothing.  But if you keep the form and shrug your arms, you will find your passing improve greatly!

    Good luck!

  5. Stay low, pass inside your body, push your thumbs to the floor to keep your platform low, don't stand up, square to the target, don't run up on the ball, keep it in front of you.

  6. dont swing above ur chin...and use ur legs...square ur shoulders to where u want the ball to go...move ur feet as oppsosed to swinging ur arms

  7. one of the coaches says when you hit it you shouldnt be 'praying' that you got it over the net. meaning that your arms shouldnt be high (above your chin) and if you wanna hit harder, just get all the power from your legs.

  8. our coach is alway getting mad at us for doing that and what you are doing is as you pass you are sanding up and that is causing your platform to level out ant either sending the ball up or behind you to fix this probleme is simple just don't stand up when you passing.Lean into the ball.and don't staighten your back when you pass.

  9. when u bump, dont swing ur arms backwards. also try to bend down a little and go up as if ur a frog insteadof swinging ur arms

  10. lean over knees tilt arms down slightly -DON'T SWING

  11. bend your knees

  12. Your Problem is one your prolly not getting low enough .. to help with that do shuffles && wall sits .. && Two You Cant Swing .. (( MY BIG Problem )) Your arms when you hit the ball should stop at like right in front of you .... but make sure your leanin kinda forward but not too much and dont be flat footed ... i got in trouble for all of this at practice yesterday

  13. You need to "shrug" your shoulders when contacting the ball. Sending your shoulders forward while pushing your legs up would prevent the ball from going to the wrong direction.

    Also make sure that you point your thumbs down so that your arm-platform if perfect to hit the ball. When your thumbs are pointing down you would never be able to swing your arms over your shoulder level.

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