In my humble opinion, (and that of my family members), after I was tired of how my eyebrows looked I just found some tweezers and plucked a bit at them last night - and they look symmetrical and are shaped like.. well it's hard to describe (thicker towards the middle of the face and curved and gradually thinner going away from the middle) - they look alright, really. Anyway, I've read a bunch of responses on here about how you should not pluck the first time you want to reshape your brows, but I think mine are fine. Is it really so bad to continue to pluck every once in a while (as of now, I don't know how often I'll have to do it, but they haven't grown back yet), or should I brave the beauty salon (a place I've never ventured to before) and get them waxed? Also, how much does that cost? One more thing, it wasn't a horrible mistake to start by plucking myself, was it? The only danger I see in that is misshaping your brows...