
I pod lost..NEED HELP??!!??

by  |  earlier

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i lost my i pod and looked for it...but i cant seem 2 fingd it and i know i lost in in MY house so any ideas were it might be!!!!!!!!!????????????




  1. try to remember where you last used it in your house! when you get to that place try finding it in that area! i lost my ipod and and i remembered i last used it in the car. i went outside at like 11:30 at night and found it in the car!

    hope it helps! :D

  2. Think back to where you last remember seeing it and search there.

  3. go check everywhere in your house, maybe it under the sofa or something including the living room

  4. remember where you were using it the las time you used it

  5. Its gone

  6. Think!where is the last place you've placed it.  

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