
I posted an item for sale on craigslist and i have several people interested in it?

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I posted a piece of furniture on Craigslist and had three people email me about it: One asked if it was still available, so I gave her my number and said to call me (which she hasn't). Another emailed it but said they couldn't pick it up or pay for it in a week and a half and I told her I'd hold it for her unless the first girl calls me and can pick it up before. THEN I get another email from someone interested in the chair. So if the third person can pick it up before the second one does she get it? This is my first time using craigslist. Help!




  1. Yes it is alright to give it away to the third person. You snooze you lose. Unfortunately the person should have wanted it bad enough to get it ASAP. Don't feel bad it's business

  2. Most people on Craigslist realize it's a first come, first serve basis.  Most people will not hold, deliver or make payment plans with people.  Strickly cash basis is the way to go.

    With that said, people do tend to no show.  The person who asked if it was still available but has not contacted you to see/pick up the item really was not that interested.  You should have said the item was still available at that time, but you will sell it to the first person who comes to pick it up.  The second person should not even imposed on you such conditions, unless it was such an odd object you figures you would never find a taker.  The third person send the same email as the first, come get it if you want it.

    You should have told person number two that if they still see the posting out there in a week and a half she can make arrangements to come pick it up.

  3. Go back and edit your add.  Put in that is first come first serve.  People should expect first come first serve anyway when they deal with CL.

    Only take cash.  Checks bounce.  Meet the person in a public place.  

    You should expect a few flakes when making posts on CL.  Just learn to sift through them.  After all - how many times do people go into a store to just browse?  

    If the third person has the money, take it.

    I doubt that the second person will contact you again, but if they do just tell them that it was first come first serve.  You are not a department store, there is no reason for you to put anything on lay away for a complete stranger.

  4. Be VERY careful. First person with CASH wins!  But please please please be very cautious!

  5. Who ever can pick it up and pay for it first gets it. Until then, it is available! Trust me I have sold on craig's before and people will jerk you around. Just sell it as fast as you can and if the first person calls you just apologize and say that someone else beat her to it.  

  6. they're pedophiles, alert the authorities.

  7. Sell it to the first person to come over and hand you cash for it and takes it with. There is NO rule of etiquette when it comes to selling something. If someone wants what you are selling, they will come get it. If they want you to hold it, then politely say "only until someone actually BUYS it"

  8. One thing about Craigslist... first come first served. NEVER say you'll hold anything for anyone. People are flakes and you'll end up holding it forever. Give it to the first and highest bidder, or don't use Craigslist.

  9. Do you realize how many freaks visit C List?   Also it has been reported to the BBB many many times.  Be very careful who you give your # to on C. List

  10. Wait for the 1st person

  11. first come per serve

  12. Good Question :)

    I have used CL a few times to sell things, 1st thing you put the item on there to sell not to "hold" so I would go with the 1st person that will pick the chair up.

    sadly I got 6 reply to a table I was selling and four never got back in touch after a few e mails so there are a lot of flakes out there, and my goal was to sell table not e mail a few days.

    2nd be careful giving out your number one of the people I e mailed made a lets say not nice calls. make sure there serious 1st

    3rd do not take a check, cash only checks can bounce or be fake.

    I know this all sounds scary, but I did sell my table after a few days for cash, the 1st person wanted to pay with her "boyfriends" check I said no cash only. just a crazy world out there :)

  13. Whoever can give you the money first gets it. Plain and simple.

    Make sure you get cash and check the bills to make sure they aren't fake if they are high denominations!

    Also, tell them it has to be a face to face meeting. Don't do anything over the Internet.

  14. First off, make sure you don't give any definitive answers to anyone.  Don't promise anyone that they can have the furniture.

    Second, be honest.  Tell all your interested buyers that you have a lot of interest in the listing, so the first one to pick it up can have it.  By telling them that there are other people interested, they might have more incentive to get moving and grab the furniture.

    With the person that can't pick it up in a week.  You should ask for her number and tell her you'll call her in a week and a half if the chair still hasn't sold. This way, you're in charge.  In a week and a half, she may have lost your number or forgotten about it, so by having her number you can contact her.

    With craiglist or any other listings, it is first come first serve.  You can't afford to hold a chair for someone.  I mean, think about how a garage sale or any store works.  You can't walk into a clothing store and ask them to hold clothes for a week and a half.  You can't go to a garage sale and ask them to hold something - they want to sell everything stat!!

    Since it is first come first serve, make sure you don't promise anything to anyone.  

    Seriously, if I wanted to buy/pick up your chair right now, I'd have priority because I'm the first one to physically show up and take your chair.

  15. Yes, the third person gets it.

    In the future, you'll learn to not promise anyone anything, and it's first come, first served.

    I will only hold something for someone if they say they are getting in their car and they're on their way over.

    Then I tell them I'll hold it for them for 1 hour or some given amount of time.

  16. Sell it to the first person who can pay you the soonest. That's it. You can call the other people up and say, Sorry, but it's sold, thanks for showing interest.  

  17. The first person to show up and put money in your hand gets it!  The'll drive you crazy if you don't do it that way.   They'll make appointments to come look at it and won't show, so do what's best for you and that's to sell it to the first person that has the money in hand!

  18. Next time you post, make sure you put "first come, first served".  In other words, it goes to the person who shows up with the money first.  You're better off not holding things for people and NEVER let them take things without paying first.

  19. If I were in your situation I would give it to the first person who was able to come and pick it up.  If the third person was able to come and pick it up before the second or first then I would give t*t to them.  But promptly contact the second person and let them know that it is gone so they do not come over looking for the furniture.  Hope I helped.

  20. Yes. Whoever gets the money in your hot little hands FIRST is the winner. You don't have to hold anything. It's first pay-first served. Lots of people will try to scam you so don't give the product out or make promises til you get the money.

  21. Sell it to whomever has the money now. There is no guarantee that the other person will have the money in a week or so.

  22. The first person who can pay and pick it up is the winner end of story. So don't worry about making these others mad. They could be spam. Sell it to the first person who can pay and pickup. Good Luck with the sale!!

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