
I posted this at other places here but I would like the thoughts of other cutures too?

by  |  earlier

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Is there a limit to love?

I want to clarify right from the start that I am not talking about abusive violent relationships or ones where one of them can't seem to stop sleeping with everyboby they can. I am talking about a God given special kind of love like in the Titanic or The Notebook. First do you believe this exists and if you actually have it what would you be willing to endure for it? Not all love is this kind it is rare to find it but things happen missunderstandings that are not talked about and that grow inside your mind until that is how you see everything said or done, but the love is still there. What do you do then? What would you do if you were the one who felt wronged or the one who was left because the other one felt you didn't trust them but you really did. In this particular case I will say I have had several other relationships that were not good or healthy they were the kind I mentioned above but this one isn't anything like that. But I have fears of rejection and abandonment and we have always talked about them and I work through them by not being afraid to talk to him about them . He always took it personal when I repeatedly told him it had nothing to do with him. Well I expressed feelings along this line a week or so ago and he said enough is enough I wasn't trusting him or his love for me when I really was. This hurts unbelievably and I wonder is there really such a thing as a love that can't die? If you surrender your whole heart to someone and truly love them no matter the circumstances what then? do you fight for it? Do you just let them go and go through the rest of your life with this love for them and wait til Heaven where they say "Sooo sorry honey I didn't know what I was doing"? If you are the guy do you think his feelings about this are justified? would you feel this way and why? PLS only real heartfelt answers.




  1. Your question was too long to read but the first three sentences said it all. My suggestion is follow your heart

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