
I posted this??

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Last night I like all of a sudden thought of this book I read along time ago it is about ghosts it is (time for andrew) then I started and I remembered alot of it I hadn't even talked/heard about the book in ages or what the book is about and all of a sudden I did thinking I was seeing ghosts in my head........................ kind of paranoid

And somebody wrote its my energy what does that mean please help? and then i felt something weird in my back :( im scared




  1. Energy has nothing to do with it.  The only energy you have is that which your body burns to function.  If you have a strange sensation in your back I assure you it's in no way related to this fictional book you read some time ago.

  2. Don't worry dude, it's just your mind playing tricks with you. It isn't your "engergy" or whatever. It'll pass in time.

  3. Quit giving it your attention. Ignore it. There's nothing to be scared of. If something is really will probably do a lot more things than what you've mentioned. Spirits have energy so I guess we do too. I'll try to google and see if there's anything in there about it.Just relax before you have  a panic attack. Are you alone? How old are you? Don't read scary books. this...
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