
I posted this question in my cousings acount and there was no answers and i dont know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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This is kind of a long story about racism. My close friend of 9 years, mandy, recently found herself a new boyfriend, ben. Ben is really nice but his friend matt is not at all. Anyway i never knew my friend mandy to be racist before or anything. But, for example, the other day the four of us were out for sushi. When the three of them are togeather and i am present, I notice that they make comments that i feel are racist and I dont know how to tell them to stop. Matt refers to east indian ppl as SNs. The S stands for sand and the N stands for the N word. Also the three of them make fun of native american ppl by imitating thier accent and calling them bogs. And when a asian person comes into sight ben and matt refer to them as sinos and imitate an asian accent. Mandy laughs but does not participate as much as the boys. how do i tell them to stop?




  1. At the time, you should have told them, "I don't appreciate comments like that." Now that you know what they are like, don't go out with them any more. Mandy is obviously not your friend, despite having known you for many years. Ben is not "really nice." And his friend isn't either. People like that don't deserve your company. If they ask you to go out again, just tell them, no thanks.

  2. i dont know how you would ask them to stop other than come out and say "hey, i dont like that behavior" or something of that nature. I guess that sounds kind of lame but you get what i mean. I wouldnt go out in public with them if they talked like that, how embarrassing. If the wrong person heard them they would be in for it.  

  3. find new friends

  4. Ask them how they would feel if that was them....and a group of ppl was calling them the names that they were using ??.....It's hard enough just to be who people are today....much less many years ago when the name calling was followed by Innocent people getting killed....But, wait....that does happen today

    Every one has a choose of how they want to act and how they treat people who are different ......I would not have friends who do these things.....I would find different people to hang out with.....When words are said out loud.....other people hear them...not just the ones who are being disrespected......and don't deserve to be treated this way....for any reason.....But, other people.... don't just look at the group that is making the remarks...they look at everyone in that group...including you.....Not knowing that you are not the type of person who would do this......but, they would include you ......Just talk to them and tell them how you feel about it....Then figure out what would be the right thing to do next......Just because our skin color is different doesn't make us any less of a person with feelings.....we all have a heart...we all have tears that run down our face....when others choose to hurt us

  5. I really don't know but like I say don't make fun or comment bad about someone you don't even know. Like someone I know did not like african american strt talking about a clerk in spanish I just felt embarrased cause I knew what he was saying but coming to our mind when we got to the cashier that guy he was talking about spoke to us in spanish. He was shock and embarrased about what he said and after that he never said any coment about african american guys. I would tell ur friends that they are being disrespectful and ignorants. Just like that and get new friends.

  6. why do you care?

    they're just joking.

    other races make fun of caucasian americans.

    don't worry boaut it

  7. Personally, I'd stop hanging out with them.  People like that tend to spout the same racist c**p their parents drilled into them, and there's really no changing them.  And if your friend Mandy asks why you suddenly don't want to be around her and her new boyfriend, be honest with her.  It might knock some sense into her.

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