This is kind of a long story about racism. My close friend of 9 years, mandy, recently found herself a new boyfriend, ben. Ben is really nice but his friend matt is not at all. Anyway i never knew my friend mandy to be racist before or anything. But, for example, the other day the four of us were out for sushi. When the three of them are togeather and i am present, I notice that they make comments that i feel are racist and I dont know how to tell them to stop. Matt refers to east indian ppl as SNs. The S stands for sand and the N stands for the N word. Also the three of them make fun of native american ppl by imitating thier accent and calling them bogs. And when a asian person comes into sight ben and matt refer to them as sinos and imitate an asian accent. Mandy laughs but does not participate as much as the boys. how do i tell them to stop?