
I pre-ordered breaking dawn from Walmart and it still isn't here...

by Guest66737  |  earlier

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They (Walmart) promised the book to arrive on or just after 8/2/08, now it's the 5th, and i checked the mail today, and it's STILL not here. I checked the status of my order and walmart said that it is shipped (delayed in transit). Does anyone have the same problem?




  1. OMG i have the EXACT same problem.  what i'm going to do is just buy it at like, costco and return the copy from walmart right when it gets back.  if they're not gonna be true to their word on when they're going to deliver, then i'm not gonna let them have MY money.  =/

  2. thats why i bought mine at the bookstore, no chance of it getting lost. Breaking Dawn is great not what I expected at all.

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