
I prefer only women to answer this..?

by  |  earlier

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I was looking at myself in the mirror and I noticed this very small, redish/pinkish dot right next to my areola or however you spell it. It's just a mark though inside the skin, not a pimple. It doesn't hurt and I don't feel any lumps around my breast...could this be something serious? It's been there for like a week now I think. It's not growing or shrinking or getting any redder.. What is it?




  1. I wouldnt worry about it. if its not causing you pain or disconfort. If you start to noice changes in it i woudl go se a doctor or if you simpl y are unconfortable with it and would liek a professional opinion then go get ti cheked out.  

  2. Hmm so fare it really doesn't sound too serious. But you'd be better off talking to a doctor or your mom (no matter how embarrassing lol)

    Sorry if I didn't help much.

    I really don't think you should worry too much about it unless it starts changing dramatically

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