
I prefer to be a filipino, is it bad? pls read details

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im a filipino chinese here in the philippines. i prefer to be called a filipino. i dont like my chinese race, i really want to be pure filipino. i cant explain but i dont like china for some it bad, cuz my teacher is telling us it is... bad? why




  1. Hey, you are who you are and you should be proud of who you are. Even if you don't like one side of your race, you should still be happy with who you are. I know there are people who are thinking the same thing you are but just know that you are who you are for a reason. And who knows you may meet someone who has the same racial mix as you.

    Good Luck

  2. i've seen this kinda mentality quite often with filipinos denying their non-filipino asian side... a simple reason i think is prestige and colonial mentality. people never hesitate to claim their spanish or other caucasian side but when it comes to chinese its denied or not talked about.  

  3. to tell you the truth, you should just tell everyone that your half philipino and half chinese!?! theres always gonna be people who say ur chinese, and u tell them im pilipino, and theyll still call u chinese(wheter its a joke or not idk) im korean and people call me chinese all the time

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