
I puked at my very first volleyball!?

by  |  earlier

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im going to a new high school and last night was the first volleyball practice (try out) thing. and near the end of it, i puked! from excersicing too much. im not a very in shape person, but i just dont want this to happpen again tonight!! please help me!!




  1. bahahhahaha...LMFAO  im srry but thats really funny....well i dunno what u can do!!

  2. Try not to eat for a while b4 practice! The same thing happened to one of my teammates this summer we has 6 45am practices and she at right before and all the exercise made her throw up! Also make sure to stay hydrated and keep active durring the day dont just lay around cause then it will be even harder when you get to practice! Good luck at ur new school hope you make lots of friends and make the team!!!

  3. well i would say eat a carb meal about 2 1/2 hours before practice and hydrate. Take caution though too much water will make you puke again so drink wisely but do not dehydrate yourself don't worry about what happened last night its over and just think about today.

    Lots of luck!

  4. ok well before you go just tell your self you CAN do it! and drink lots of water... chances are if the coach saw you puke ur not gonna make it... immm soo sorry hun. BUT TRY YOUR HARDEST TONIGHTT

  5. you need to eat well and drink lots of water during your practice it will help alot i have done that alot before

    good luck

  6. If you feel like you're about to faint or puke, talk to your coach and tell them you need to sit out for a few. Then drink some water.

  7. Bring enough water and Propel. Gatorade is not that bad, if you don't care how much sugar it has (a lot! more than you can grab with bare palm).

    For your reference, I drink three bottles of propel and three 8oz bottle of water during three hours of pickup games.

    Mix water into your sports drink, or doing both alternatively, never drink three bottles of sports drink without water in between.

  8. Always stay hydrated. Water is like your best friend in sports. Just take it a little easier with the exercising thing. Also eating healthy foods before the practice can help. Never eat junk food before a sports event.

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