
I pulled a darklord zerto what should i do?

by Guest67194  |  earlier

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I was wandering should I sell him or collect him?




  1. Either make a deck with it or sell it. Email me if you want a decklist and I will try to help you out.

  2. collect it also if it holofoil like really holofoil then u would want to sell it would cost a lot like $35 max  but if u want to collect it then u will have to buy cards for a deck and dat will cost  money so it would be better to sell it if is really holofoil  

  3. i would collect him its a good card

    if you sell it they will probably give u 25 to 35 dollars

    hope that helps

  4. Darklord Zerato is worth around $70-$90 , but keep it if you are building a Dark Armed Dragon deck.

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