
I pumped gas into my water holding tank in my boat by accident of course. What can I do to get the smell out?

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It was a water holding tank for my boat. Will i ever be able to use it again. Is there anything I can do.




  1. If that gas was in there for any significant amount of amount of cleaning, flushing, or magic potions is gonna get the taste/odor out of that tank.....You will probably even end up replacing all hose leading to/from the water tank.  

    If it was in there for, like,  "a minute" before you went "" and got it pumped out you may have a chance if you try some of the commercially available products or something like baking soda solutions, vinegar, etc.  Doubtful, however....

    You are not the first to have done this and certainly won't be the last....But, don't let it happen to you again; take a permanent marker and write in small letters around the fitting something like "H20 Only" or "no gas".  

    This happens all to often at boatyards/marinas when perhaps an inexperienced dock-hand or somebody renting a boat isn't familiar with the vessel.

    Good luck :(

  2. the best is to hire a professional that has flushing equiptment. the can make it like new.

  3. Replace the tank if plastic> Aluminum you can try flushing with soap but don't drink the water ever> If you put baking soda in a aluminum tank it will eat the tank up>Watch mixing chemicals>

  4. Use Dawn dish soap and flush your holding tank with fresh water.

  5. this just happened to a fellow boater at our marina...10 gals of gas into the water tank that was plastic. If yours is the same replace the tank. if by chance you ran what you thought to be water thru the lines to a sink or head then replace them too. it's not the most expensive mistake that can be made but one that requires time, attention and possibly the amount of an economic stimulus check to correct.

  6. Replace the tank and all lines that the gas went through including the filler tube.

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