
I purchased a new 3300SC maxum boat, lot of problems. Where can i get help?

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This boat has had many crack in the fiberglass, from 5 to 36 inches along with a 2 page list of problems. how does someone get out fom under a lemon boat. No lemon laws for boats like there is for cars. How do i get Maxum to get me out of this lemon ??? The fiber glass has more patches than a quilt.




  1. i believe there is a lemon law   see a laywer if the manufacturer doesnt give you help   sue the b******s

  2. Take lots of pictures send to Maxum the owner & see what they are going to do>Give the Dealer the first try with Maxum> Most cracks come from lot's of hard use over a long time> some are normal but > The hull is flexing> & it only gets worse> They will try to patch them but they might come back & the gelcoat patches might have a ring around them when finished> Sounds like a poor faburaction??  Best of luck don't let them put you off as time will pass fast>

  3. A  Maxum  is a Bayliner with a better hairdo .

  4. IF all of the other suggestions fail, don't give up.  Document everything you do in attempting to rectify the problem in writing, including the Dealer's and companies responses, then get your local TV station's consumer advocate involved.   This usually works when every other approach failed, the TV advocates have tremendous leverage because the companies do not want negative publicity broadcast to the world.

  5. what about the warranty? report it to your local attorney generals office.

  6. Have a survey done by a registered marine surveyor, this will cost!  approach your dealer with this info, remember you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.  If all else fails it's time for litigation.  The threat of bad publicity may help.

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