
I pushed a blue smartie up my nose and then couldn't get it out?

by  |  earlier

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I did this when I was younger to impress my friends. Eventually I managed to work it loose with my finger but this made me sneeze. My snot came out blue!

My other friend put a whole orange (skin and everything) in his mouth but had a cold so couldn't breath and couldn't get it out! He started to suffocate. His mouth hole was big enough to put it in there but it sort of got stuck. We were sat at the back of the bus and got it out just in time.

What is the most silly / dangerous thing you have done to amuse yourself or your friends?




  1. One time i did a naked cartweel in the girls dressing room, and another time I drove a dirt bike into a pond, and at the same time got attacked by geese. Another time (this is kinda gross), I stuck a WHOLE highlighter down my troat to impress a table of guys(this way my first day of highschool! i had no idea why it was nasty! I wouldnt do it again though!)

  2. Last week I went camping with my Scouts and we rented a minivan to drive us around. At the beginning of the week we bought a ceramic garden gnome from the supermarket. For the next seven days, we held him out of the open windows of the van, staring at the locals and shouting bits of moral advice (in a high pitched gnome-like voice) such as  

    To a lady with a hedge trimmer

    "Be safe with electricals!"

    and to the cyclists we passed

    "Where's your helmet?"

    and to two guy chavs dressed in fuschia jumpers

    "Pink is for girls!"

    His name is Mr Morality Gnome and he's coming with us next camp.

  3. well when i was like 4 i decided to shave my face with my dads razor ... oh and th time i thought itd be fun to go down a big hill on my bike and wham straight in to a iron gate oh and then when we broke in to a old half falling down house with falling material and glass every how did my parents put up with me?

  4. haha my friend and i use to rollerblade, nothing special but we decided to go down the biggest hill in the neighborhood. we thought that there were no cars around and started off. halfway down cars started going down and didnt stop we had no choice but to jump onto the patch of grass next to the sidewalk and smacked face first into the tree. another time my sister n i were climbing a tree and i made it up but it took a few hours to get me down i wanted them to call a firefighter bc i was gonna fall i eventually got down without making calling anyone. i also half way tripped at graduation and i went to a large school so there were a ton of people but it wasnt dangerous just humiliating haha

  5. Reading that you and your friend survived.

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