
I pushed my friend in front of a car on accident and now he is in the hospital. should i say sorry?

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I pushed my friend in front of a car on accident and now he is in the hospital. should i say sorry?




  1. Well, of course you should say you are sorry. I hope he is ok.

  2. I wouldn't worry about it.

  3. Are you serious what kind of question is this? of course you should apologize how would you like if i pushed you in front of a car and you were in the hospital and I acted as if nothing happened

  4. Why ?? It doesnt seem like a big deal to me between freinds.

    He is probably laughing about it right now.

  5. Yes! You need to!!

  6. No, don't worry about it. It happens all the time. You are simply being overly caring, which is a curse decent, moral human beings like you and I must bear.

    Listen, you little sociopath, you should not only apologize but also pay his hospital bill. That would be the courteous, manly thing to do. What are you thinking? Your friend could have DIED, yet you cannot summon enough courage merely to apologize?!

    You are VERY lucky your friend did not die.

    Crazy m**o . . .

  7. yes you should say sorry!

  8. Well if you need to ask then that tell us alot about you.................

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