
I put a bid on a house under foreclosure through a bank now they r telling me they r putting it up for auction

by Guest59025  |  earlier

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can the bank do that if it was first presented just as a regular listing?




  1. Yes, they can put it up for auction.  Clearly they want a better price and hope an auction will do it for them.  On the other hand, perhaps you can put in a fresh, lower bid on the property at the auction if you want.  If nobody else shows, you might be better off!

  2. Hey, I know where Ashtabula is!   Do you ever get out to Thompson Drag Raceway?  I've spent some quality time there.  Anyway, I digress.

    Yes, they can do this.  Put in another bid once the bank owns it, it'll be an easier process that the short sale anyway.

  3. sure --if you are pre-qualified go to the auction and you might get it cheaper

  4. The bank owes you nothing. Sounds cold-hearted doesn't it. Walk away.  THere are a million houses for sale.

    If i have my house up for sale and someone offers me full price, i can say "Great, you can move-in December, 2009".  They can gripe and cry but the seller owes them nothing.

    When you are a seller later, you can pay everyone back.

  5. If they didn't accept your offer, they can do whatever they like.  Their house, their option.  Go to the auction, you'll probably get a better deal.

  6. It was a regular listing until the bank foreclosed on it. There was no wrongdoing.

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