
I put a member on moderate; however, Yahoo will not allow me to access to the pending messages?

by  |  earlier

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As a moderator, I need to approve or decline messages from members who are moderated. Yahoo tells me there are pending messages, but will not allow me access to those messages. How can I view the message and take care of my responsibilities?




  1. If the owner has not assigned you the privilege to approve messages, you will not be able to do the following:

    Sign in to the group.

    If there are pending messages, there will be a pending message alert near top of group page.  Click on the alert and it will take you to the pending messages.  Click on one, it will come up, read it.  If it's ok, click Approve.  If not, you can edit or reject it or delete it. Click Submit.  If there are more pending, repeat with each individually.

    If you get an email from Yahoo telling you there are pending messages on your group you can approve them just by clicking Reply and Send, or if you prefer - go to your group and if you do not find any pending messages - that means that the owner or another moderator has already taken care of them.

    If you are the owner and still have a problem, use the Yahoo Groups Help form to get assistance from Yahoo Staff.  Here is the link for the help form:

  2. The Owner of the Group decides what areas moderators get control of. In order for you to be able to approve messages the Owner must tick:

    Moderator Privileges

    Approve pending messages and photos

  3. if you're the moderator, not owner, you do not have the priviledge of "Approve pending messages and photos"

    you can view your priviledges- click member list- click moderator tab- under your ID click edit membership- scroll down to Moderator Privileges: green you can, red you cant

    you'll need to speak with the owner

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