
I put my 13 year old sister in a coma what do i do?

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im 18 years old and my sisters been in a coma for about a half a year now. shes 13 we got in a bad car wreck and it was all my fault :( when i talk to her i cry and say sorry then i seen tears come down her cheek, so does that mean she can here me? also how can i try to forgive my own self. i got my sister like this and i can't get over it. she has always been my little princess as my sister and i can't bear to lose her especaially because of me. what do i do? they said theres no hope for her. we always got a long and had a blast. everyone older than her like my friends are just drawn to her. she brightens a day up when its bad.




  1. I'm sure that she hears you and forgives you.  I know its a terrible thing, but you can't completely blame yourself.  The accident, im sure, was an ACCIDENT.  She knows you had no intention of ever hurting her.  I honestly hope that she is okay, and all works out for you.  

  2. even though it was your fault it was an accident and she knows it, I'm sure she looked up to you and she would want to see you as a strong person. so try to have a strong appearance when you are in her presence even if you are not. get some counseling.

  3. She obviously is aware of you but can't communicate yet. There is definately hope of her recovering somewhat in the future.

    What has happened is history - you must not keep beating yourself with a stick over it.

    All you can do is be there for her & help her to try and get through this difficult time as best you can.

    With my best wishes to both of you, UK

  4. Just because it's your fault, doesn't mean she blames you. I think she's probably forgiven you herself and is waiting for you to forgive yourself.  

  5. It's okay. You didn't mean to, did you? Your sister will surely forgive you when or (i'm so sorry) if she wakes up, if you really love each other.. There have been instances where people in comas have been able to hear what people in the outside world say, so i'd say she hears you. Just let it go, it's in the past. You didn't mean to, i'm sure. Seek help if you need it. You know, like a psychologist or therapist. They really help me when i'm in trouble.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your sister but from how you describe the situation, I'm sure you didn't mean any of this to happen. You can technically be at fault for a wreck but it can still be an accident. When it comes to accidents and mistakes, you have to forgive yourself. It probably seems impossible now and this is a hard situation which is why I would strongly suggest getting professional help.

    You need someone to listen and you need someone to help you get through this. At very least, talk to your parents. You need support.

    I think your sister must be able to hear you and I'm sure she hates to see you in so much pain. If you believe she can hear you and believe she loves you, then at least one day, you should believe that she forgives you. And if she forgives you, you should forgive yourself.

    Above all, believe. Believe in her, believe in miracles, believe in anything that gets you by. She's not gone yet.  

  7. Seek professional counsel.

  8. eee thats bad you know that wasnt your fault.everything happens for a reason and u just dont blame your slef ull feel better if u dont blame your sfle and just try to do as much as good as u can it will work.Just learn how to deal and ur sis will be ok!!!!! :) you will see!!!! good luck and dont blame urslef for anything!!

  9. she can hear you  

  10. This might sound crazy Alicia, but try having a Therapy Dog work with her. She may very well come out of her Coma. Doctors are always full of doom and gloom, but she hears you. My husband's aunts were ready to pull the plug on his grandmother and she went on to live for another 5 years! Imagine the guilt they would have felt had they killed her sooner?! Don't give up on your sister, and don't blame yourself, it was just an accident that I am sure couldn't have been avoided.

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