
I put my kid for adoption now i regret it how can i get him back?

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i put my kid for adoption last week, i shud have listed to you answers, but i put him cos he was acting werse and werse behavior, so i said im putting you out of my house, i called cps and they took him, but i think its a mistake, how can i adopt him back. i called cps and they said no but i want my kid back




  1. There is no way. He was young. little kids are bad sometimes. Ye just have to stay calm. I'm really sorry. There might be a way. but if there is, then I don't know about it. Sorry!!

  2. I think it depends on the situation and the age of the kid. You might want to get in touch with family and children services on this one

  3. You also may want to try and contact a Family Law attorney, maybe see if you can get someone to work on your case Pro Bono and also check with your local Legal Services. You may also want to look into some individual and family counseling.

  4. I think he's probably going to a better environment.

  5. Come on  girl what  were you thinking  would happen  you never  do that  to your  child you keep trying to put him in the corner and if you need to stand there  to keep him there you should have hitting doesn't solve anything either. You really should have thought it threw  before picking up that phone you will never see him until he is 18 yr old  or you should get a lawyer now.

  6. You would need to go to court to have any chance of getting him back.  If he's not been adopted, and is in foster care, you might have a chance to begin getting services that would eventually allow you to be reunited with him, it will depend on the judge.  If your child is an older child, then he/she will be difficult to find a home for.  In this case, they will often work with you to get you parental training so that you can be a better parent and you won't find yourself in this position again.  The place to start is with a lawyer.  If you've been before a judge and terminated your rights, then you'll not get him back.

  7. What done cannot be undone. You have make your decision then.

  8. Its for the best. I dont mean to be rude but you put him up because of his behavior that you thought was getting worse and worse. Children are not perfect and they will act up and you cannot just get rid of them because you dont want to handle them that obv. means the child is now in the best place. Once you sign over your parental rights you cannot get him back or adopt him back because the courts would look at your case and see that you gave him up for adoption because you could not handle his behavior and probably say that you are unfit to be a mother and that would be worse then just letting him go.

  9. Has he even been adopted yet?  You should be able to do something, maybe contact legal advice.  Why would you place a child for adoption because of bad behaviour?

  10. You can't get him back, I am sorry for your loss.

  11. i think you lie about stuff on here because a question you asked today you said you were pregnant and needed baby names and then you answered a question and you said to a mother who's baby is 9 weeks old they she should turn him upside down to discipline him for crying soo maybe you should get a life!! And if you loved your child you would never have put it up for adoption in the first place

  12. I hope your child is being put in a happy, healthy environment. Even if you put your child up for adoption last week the procedure is not anywhere near final. However, by the way  you talk and type I think your child may be better off in a home where he/she can get an education.

  13. Your such a liar you idiot. first of all "cops" are called police and they wouldnt come and take your CHILD not kid away just like that. and second your an idiot so just go get a life and stop lying on here. people come for advise and your probably just lying to all of them.

  14. go to court

  15. They are can't!

  16. CPS won't give your child back to you if you signed over your maternal rights to him.  He'll be in foster care until he's found a stable home to go to.

  17. Someones elevator doesn't go to the top floor,also I can safely say that the windmills of your mind have left a few too many splinters......get help need it!

  18. If it has only been a week then better get a lawyer. If you sign the papers already, then you have an up hill battle.

  19. Your child has probably been put in foster care.  Take some active steps by contacting Social Services right away and volunteer to go to counselling with your son and take some parenting classes.  This will show that you are taking pro-active steps to get him back, this is what the judge is going to look for.

  20. i honestly don't think you deserve your kid back.

    you can't just say "i dont want you anymore".

    that's not how being a parent works.

    and you also can't use bad behavior as an excuse.

    ALL parents have to deal with behavior issues, and most of them don't put their kids up for adoption.

    your child is probably in a foster adopt home, with a family that wants to call him their own and can parent him better then yourself.

    you seem like an unfit parent and im glad cps won't let you get your son back, you have no right to him.

    you've screwed up his life enough, just leave him alone.

    i would suggest you see psychiatrist.

    oh and "werse" isn't a word.

  21. If you gave ur child up because he was acting up you dont deserve to get him back. Next time use ur spell check

  22. If you just called CPS than your child has not been placed for adoption.  No state works that quickly.  A court will have to remove your rights.  Even if you signed your rights away it is the courts final decision.  If CPS has had custody of them for a long period and your rights were terminated, then you have no rights to your child any longer.

  23. Your best bet is to probably go to an attorney.  I don't believe anyone can adopt a child after just one week.  There are too many hoops you have to jump through.  If you can't afford an attorney - go to Legal Aid, they might be able to help you.  If you are able to get your son back, it sounds as though you could both benefit from family counseling.  Maybe a social worker or minister could help.

    I hope everything works out for the best for you both.  Children can be really trying human beings at times, but they can get better if we as parents keep at it .  Sometimes we just need some outside help.  We just can't be too proud to ask for it.

  24. He's better off without you if this story is real

  25. too late

  26. Are you sure, cps may be concerned about your parenting, you told your child you were putting him out of the house, that could be considered child abuse, talk to cps to see what your status is.

  27. I was a CPS caseworker years ago.  You should be able to get him back if you follow a plan which includes counseling, parenting classes, etc.  You might need to speak with an attorney.

  28. Yep ok. It's not all that simple. You don't just make a phone call and lose your child forever. Just doesn't work like that. Get a life.

  29. this sounds like a story to me.   First you decide to terminate your parental rights.  They give you lots of time to change your mind before the child is actually adopted by someone.  But they also make sure you really want the child back.  First the child goes to a foster family and they work with you on counseling.

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