
I quit SMOKING! ...kinda?

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Okay, so I've been eating healthy and exercising everyday...and today, like right now, I just threw my pack of newport menthols away. I just wanna' f'n get this over with. I tried quitting once, lasted about a month, but got back on it because of a friend who smokes. I started smoking when I was 15, was a casual smoker...about 1-2 cigs a day. Then when I hit 18, I started smoking a pack in 2 days and I've been smoking pack in 2 days since then (I'm 20 now).

But this sh*t is ending RIGHT f'n now. I've read loads of articles online but none of that really helps, I want personal advice and experience. I want to know, how big of difference will it be if i stop smoking? As in appereance, health, mood and such. I don't have much of support since all my friends are smokers and do alot of heavy stuff besides that, and I'm trying to branch out of it. I live alone in an apartment so family support isn't available. Will I gain ALOT of weight even if I eat healthy and exercise? Will there be any difference in my skin tone (It's dull and has no shine) Will I go through depression? How did it turn out for you guys?

Sorry about the long *** post, any help is appreciated. I really want to go through this and be done with it. How did you ex-smokers keep your willpower up?

Thanks in advance




  1. It really varies. Some people have no withdrawal whatsoever, some have such horrible withdrawal that they can't stop. You may or may not be depressed. 5-7pound weight gain is typical but it can be more or less than that. There are lots of other symptoms that you may or may not get, but the biggies are probably cravings, anxiety, inability to focus and get anything done. Irritability early on -- you'll bark at people a lot. Symptoms reach their peak at 2-5 days, then gradually decline. If you can make it to 2 weeks, you have a good chance of stopping. A few weeks or months for the worst to be over. Many report that they don't feel normal for a year or two and that some cravings can occur forever.

    In your favor -- you aren't a heavy smoker. For me, it was a titanic struggle. After several months it would wear me down. I had to use meds to stop.

    Don't expect to feel great after you stop, though. You'll notice some improvements in your health -- more energy, longer wind, much milder colds -- but you'll probably feel worse emotionally. Nicotine is a pleasurable drug and when you're a regular smoker you forget what it is to live without it.

    PS -- For those who can't quit, I strongly recommend Chantix. It's much more effective than earlier stop smoking meds.

  2. Ex smoker here to give you advice.

    I was a heavy, very dependent smoker for many years. It did take me a few tries, but 3 things made the last try work.

    1. Use a quit smoking aid. I used the clear patch and it worked very well for me. It was itchy and there were side effects (vivid dreams, insomnia) but in time, those passed.

    2. Find Allen Carr's book on quitting smoking. It can be a bit flaky, but take the point of what he is saying, and it will sink in.

    3. Use this site. I never could have done it without it. (Its free). There are nurses to ask questions to, forums, mail, etc and everyone on their is quitting smoking or has been quit for a while... some people many years. Its really supportive, informative and helpful. I can't recommend it enough... so do take the time to check it out (and bookmark it!)

    Lastly, instead of carrying around the smokes you used to, carry a pack of gum and a water bottle. And realize that each crave only lasts 2 minutes... and the cravings decrease with each day.

    Its better to be a non smoker... I never used to think that... but its true.

    Good luck!

  3. Yea I have the same problem I tried every thing I thew my cigarettes away and an hour later I went out in the garbage can to find them again.When they were $2.00 dollars I said if they go up to $3.00 I will STOP now there almost $7.00 and I am still buying them .Sorry I can't help you but I hear the story's of some people just plan stopping ! Wow how can u just Stop !  

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