
I quit farming and still got the barn. Is there anything I can do with it if I don't want to farm.?

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I quit farming and still got the barn. Is there anything I can do with it if I don't want to farm.?




  1. call your local community college, they ALWAYS need extra storage and who knows, they might just pay well.

  2. You could rent or lease the barn out to someone who wanted to use it. Be careful with this though, if you are zoned agriculture it may not be ok to lease it to someone who wanted to use it for a business, etc. You could also turn it into a rec room, gym or something along those lines for personal use.

    Another option is, if you want the barn gone, to check with your local fire departments (especially if they are volunteer) and see if they want to burn it for training purposes. My husband is a volunteer firefighter and that is how they get a lot of their training. This would be a good option if the barn isn't close to any other structures and is in poor shape.

    I hope this helped.

  3. Sell it. Tear the barn down get planning permission and develop it. Or you could just rent it out to a near by farmer!

  4. id definitely buy it off you. ive always wanted a farm. lucky.

  5. You never stated if you would want a few small critters like pigeons or veal calves. If not you may do a hobby rent it out etc. I imagine someone might use it for storage. boarding horses.

  6. If it is an older wooden barn and not rotten, dismantle it and sell the materials as old barn wood.  There is a great demand in many places for paneling out of this material.

  7. Two Words for ya Cadillac Ranch.  Ol Chris LeDoux sang about it.  Turn that old barn into a bar.  It would take some work but who doesn't love a good old barn dance HAHA

    haha Dirt, didn't even see your answer.  Your a head of me on that one

  8. Barns with floors that are clear of organic materials that burn make good welding shops.  They can also be used for storage of materials such as a warehouse.  I would make a metal shop out of it.  Certain low light plants could be grown and stored in a barn.

  9. board horses

  10. If you are wanting it to make some $$$ there are many options as the other answerers mentioned. Rent or lease to another farmer, for farm use. If the zoning is an issue check to see what you can use it for or lease for. If you are intersted in another business inside the building itself, there are many possibilities, depending on its condition, your interests etc. Anything from a gift shop, to a bed nd breakfast, a restuarant, and much more, depending on y our interests and how much you're willing to invest in it.

    I agree with the other poster that there is a large demand for barn wood, if you can find your potential buyers.

    I know that in our area there is an AMish community that wil come and take it down, the right way, and salvage the components so that they may be sold. Depending on its conditions and the materials will tell you whether to hire it torn down and sell the parts or if it's worth to have them tear it down for the materials.

    I don' t know of any companies that move barns, but if it's rather small, that might be an option, I know that fairly decent sized homes can be moved.

    Unless the condition is very bad, I would venture the guess that options are somewhat limitless to what you can do with it. Hope that everyone gave plenty of food for thought. Best of luck.

  11. i would probably make it a guest house for when company comes. It would also make agood storage place for extra stuff you have in the house. you miht if its close to the house make it into a craft room or office?

  12. Sell it

  13. Use it to create fun and love! Use it to have community dances or a rave... Or just burn it down! Let the birds make nests or just sit out there when you need to be alone. You know what to do... and you create your world!

  14. Chris LeDoux had a great idea. Cadillac Ranch can be your guide.

  15. Turn the barn into a shop...  Or I had a friend that turned his barn into a spa sort of thing.. Put a hot tub in it, big screen TV, some work out equipment, and a nice stereo.. It was a great place to hang out..

  16. tons.. you can either rent out the land to a local out the barn for storage.. or go out and by forwheelers and make use of that fun.

  17. you could have saturday night dancing in it .   and sell hot chilli  .dosent    that sound most fun. and i could be your cook

  18. Rent it to a local farmer to keep implements or etc in.

  19. Use it as a large in-door paint ball feild/building. Make your own paint ball business.

    Turn it into a Heritage Site, and invite people to display their antique tractors, tools, and equipment. Paint large murrals on the sides of old'n day farm scenes.

    Hold a BBQ fundraiser for neibouring farmers or Co-ops, and burn it down.

    "Come see the largest barn burning, and support local farmers," could be the advertisement.

    You can make a GO-Cart race track around and even through it. Make it into a tourist attraction.

    Convert it into a large mini-golf course.

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