
I quit martial arts about 2months ago& I am furious.I had to quit because of sexual harrassment that almost ?

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lead to rape& now Im furious& scared of my own shadow. The man that pulled it on me was the instructor. I was at a boxing place& they wanted me to go pro.Why am I scared of everything I know how to fight, I felt helpless& degraded when he did that he was a 5th degree black belt?




  1. Then you should go find another place to study. just because one establishment had an offender for an instructor doesn't mean your weak, any thing that challenges your feeling of security can through you off and make you feel insignificant and small because you have to realize your not immortal, things can happen to you and hurt you. but the best way to handle it is to face head on what happened and say ok, that went badly, but i'm not going to let it destroy my peace of mind, and then you start moving forward not stopping just because this happened, they wanted you to go pro, ok, so somewhere else will be just as likely to appreciate you skill.  

  2. You need to keep up the fighting spirit!

    Maybe it would be in order to make it a police-matter!

    Do not let this bum win!

    Go to another training facility!

    Take a friend or relative with you!

    My prayers are with you!!!

  3. Report him and get psych. help.

  4. hey that stinks, but i read your earlier questions about fighting a middleweight champ that was a chick, did you evr beat her?! let me kno lol

  5. Fear has nothing to do with knowing how to fight. I was a martial artist. What can a 9th degree black belt do against cancer or ebola that will liquefy your organs.

    To become fearless, you need to experience what you really are and how nothing in heaven or earth can hurt you. Below tells about how to be happy, fearless and feel tranquility. The more fear someone has, the less happy they will be.

    Do not worry about the instructor. He may become depressed and then he will pray for death. Depression is worse than death. See blog post # 26 (on site below) to see how a girl jumped off a 5th floor balcony to escape depression.

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