I put in my notice to leave my current job. My last day is supposed to be August 15. I am quitting to pursue a degree in Accounting full-time, which I am half way finished with.
My current job is in non-profit management. Yesterday, my boss offered me a promotion and a $6,000 raise to stay with the oranization. My new salary will be $40,000 a year. I am 28 years old, I enjoy my job about half the time, but I see myself doing something more professional and making more money. Not doing this. It is very tempting to stay as my boss will be retiring in two years and it would be a natural transition for me to take his job. Financially, I have plenty of money saved up to finish school without having to work.
I don't know what to do?!? What do you think is the best choice? I am very torn.