
I quit playing wow once started playing again and then quit should i play again? could really use some help?

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Well ever since i quit wow i have gotten more mature (not because i wasnt playing wow) but in the way where i could make.....smarter choices i guess like when to stop playing wow and do homework. Im in my first year of highschool(2nd day and loving it) and when i get home and i have homework done im guessing ill have nothing to do.

well down ot the point

i really dont know if i should play wow again or not.

the game was really fun to me and i used to play it hella to much. oh

and im not the kid at school who wears dark clothes and people think im wierd

i guess i hang out with the jocks/cool kids i guess and some older kids so.....any help?




  1. It is up to you. I say play it  just do your home work first. Look at it this way you know that if you do your homework you'll be free to do whatever right? Well if you come home and do your homework and whatever chores you have to do at home you won't have to worry about getting off the computer and doing  homework and you'll probably do all that stuff faster knowing that once it is done you can play wow till you gotta go to bed or if it is a weekend not go to bed LOL. It all comes down to do you think you can control yourself enough to finish you work first and then play. if you can then go for ti if not then you might wanna hold off.

  2. raph it is up to you man if you want to play in quit over and over i play world of warcraft everyday so it is your choice to play are not   :)ava06  

  3. Sure, play WoW just try having some self control.  Especially with Wrath of the Lich coming out soon.

  4. While WoW can be fun, it's also highly addictive, and in the end, it's just a form of entertainment. At this point in your life, you'll benefit far more from focussing on your schooling, and from spending your free time with friends and family (in person).

    You're only young once. Enjoy it for all its worth, rather than escaping to a virtual world of endless Daily Quests and Black Temple raids.

  5. I've been playing wow for 4 yrs now but irl stuff is always better than wow.

    Since you've just started high school, take this time to get involved in stuff there ... have fun with your friends and make new friends.

    If you find you still have time, then you can always start wow up later.

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