
I quit school, Started homeschooling, doing bad with that, and thinking about GED?

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In grade 7 i was having problems in junior high with students and teachers and therefor after strugling with my parents i left the school and we arranged homeschooling, And now its s******g my education up, I finished grade 7 in homeschooling, and changed the way i was doing it in grade 8 ended up s******g that year up and i decided to do it again now im a year behind and want to get on farther with my life and im really tired of the stress. I live with only my dad and he goes into my room even though i ask him to keep out it is my personal room he claims that it is his house and he can do whatever he pleases, And home schooling is not working out. How can i convince my dad that leaving home schooling and studying hard and taking GED would be better for me and immediately starting college after my life and would help me move on faster and do better in life and catch up. Thanks




  1. no, you need to finish high school if you're going to go to college.  

    if you're homeschooling but your parents aren't helping you out with it, don't blame yourself if it's not working out ... hardly any kid could manage that on their own.  you need to be back in a regular school.  you need to figure out with your parents which school that is (maybe a different one than you were at before), and what you need to do to make it more successful this time around.

    hard as it might seem now, keep your eye on what you want your life to be like as an adult.  the choices you make now about seeing your education through will have a huge impact on how good your life is ten or twenty years from now.

  2. don't listen to that idiot about cheating your way through it.  then what, you can't find a job because you don't really know how to do anything, because your cheated yourself.   Go the high school in your area and meet with a counselor. Tell them what's going on and you need their help.  My son goes to a "continuation school."  He goes in twice a week, gets homework for a week at a time and turns it the following week. If he doesn't understand something he stays when he meets with his teachers until he knows how to do the work.  Go to the high school and talk to someone.  Thats what their there for.  A GED is no way to go.  Colleges don't like them and they don't like home schooling either.  See if your school district has a "continuation program.'

  3. Convince your parents to get you Switched On Schoolhouse. I have it and it's really easy to cheat in. It's impossible to get a decent job in the military with a GED and Colleges dislike them. Just try to get that SOS program so you can cheat your way through. That's what I'm doing.

  4. Just finish high school until u cant go any more. Then try for your ged.

    My cuz got kicked out of high school because he wasn't doing well. Now he is trying to get his ged. (kinda)

  5. get the GED and move on -or look into other options within the school district.

  6. Whether or not you homeschool or get your GED, you have to buckle down and just get it over with. If you can't handle going to school, homeschooling, what makes you think that you can handle studying to get your GED? You still have to study at home. And as far as your dad in your room, IT IS his house and he has a right to be in your room. He is just looking out for your safety and wellbeing.

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